The Self-Care Habit: Mastering the Art of Putting Yourself First


As our daily lives become more complicated and filled with responsibilities of all kinds, we start to pay less attention to ourselves and just try to keep swimming in the sea of stress. We go to work, take care of our families, and are with friends when they need us. However, in all that, we sometimes forget that all that we manage to do is directly dependent on our own well-being and happiness.

An unhappy worker will not work hard; a tired mom will not be able to deal with the kids in a proper way. She will have a higher tendency to snap; an irritated and distracted friend is not good company. It seems like an enchanted circle, doesn’t it? You need to be happy to go through your day, which in turn takes so much energy that you’re left feeling tired and spent. So how can you find the energy you need? Here are some simple ideas.

1. Set up a productive morning routine

start you day with self love and some coffee

Even though it may seem odd to talk about productivity when the topic is self-care, it is actually very important. Because it makes us feel good and puts us in a better mood. Proper morning routine will help you be more productive and energized. Completing a task causes such a sense of achievement, doesn’t it? Get up 15 minutes earlier and make your bed. Play your favorite song while doing it. By completing this small task, you will put yourself in a better mood, and you’ll be less likely to want to crawl back in. Skip the coffee and drink a glass of warm water with lemon. It’ll wake you up just as well, and the vitamins will give you the energy you need to start your day.

Skip the morning facebook check and do some meditation instead. You can do it even before you get out of the bed. Just close your eyes and clear your mind for a couple of minutes. Do it as long as it feels good. Although it may seem like a waste of time, meditation is anything but, as the benefits it provides are numerous.

2. Don’t skip breakfast

Self love self awareness and development mindfulness

And don’t eat on the go. Health is a part of content, so try to make time for a good, healthy breakfast. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated – some quality organic oats will do beautifully, and can be combined with almost anything. You can even make them the night before, so you don’t have to do any work in the morning. Have some fruits or freshly squeezed juice. You could even think about drinking a morning supplement drink, such as one of the offerings from Activated You, in order to set yourself up for a good, productive day. Omelets are another great idea since eggs are packed with protein and low in calories. And of course, there are many recipes you can use to make breakfast in advance for the whole week!

3. Say “no” from time to time

It’s very difficult to say “no”, especially if you’re in a position from which you can help somebody. However, the constant neediness of other people can put a lot of stress on you, so it’s important to know when to stop. Other people’s problems are not your business, so if you feel that if somebody is asking for too much, even if it is in your power to help them, you can and should say no.

4. Take time out

Self-care is essential for maintaining both mental and physical well-being, allowing us to recharge and better handle life’s demands. Engaging in activities that nurture our bodies and minds such as massage therapy in Brentwood, CA, meditation, or simply setting boundaries increases your ability to be present for others. By prioritizing self-care, we can positively impact all areas of our lives, from personal relationships to professional success.

5. Get your beauty sleep

sound sleep for self love

It is incredibly important to go to bed on time. It doesn’t only affect your mood, but it also has an influence on your health, focus, memory, and even your attention span. Follow your bedtime routine as strictly as you can, as it will help your body to get used to sleeping time. Avoid looking at screens at least an hour before you go to bed, and read before bed instead, and you’ll fall asleep much more easily.

6. Drink enough water

Because if you don’t you will get tired more easily, you’ll feel sleepy, you might even get constipated and start having muscle cramps. Make a point of drinking water all the time; keep a bottle near you, so you don’t forget. Remember: once you feel thirsty, it means that your body’s already dehydrated.

Making your life a little bit more focused on your needs does not make you selfish, and it does not have to take a ton of time. Your first and most important duty is to yourself, so it’s vital to make sure you’re feeling strong enough to face everyday challenges.

COPYRIGHT ©Dipika Singh.

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