Hello Brands and Business Agencies, are you looking to collaborate with Gleefulblogger? Well, you have reached the right place! So, let’s talk business, shall we!!
Did you say – Thoughtful Parenting, Lifestyle hacks, Healthy Lifestyle, Chic mom’s fashion, and On-the-go Financial Advice. Well, you have our attention already!

Create Awareness and Educate –
This place is all about sharing accurate information with readers, backed by facts and personal experiences. So, if you are looking to create awareness about your product/services, please feel free to get in touch with us.
Well, we have some Rules and Ethos in place that we follow to adhere to the law of the land and also with our founder’s principles.
- If your business or proposal has the direct or indirect promotion of – Sexism, pornographic, gambling, casino, racism, or political content it will not be entertained. We will decline the offer, no matter how much lucrative it may look.
- We only accept Original content – we strongly believe in creative freedom and hence our working policy begins with only original content building.
- There would be charges and we will discuss the same on case to case basis. Well, honestly no one can pay their bill in kind! Can we… just kidding! Hope you got the point here.
- We can also enter into a content-based collaboration partnership for the following topics –
- Parenting,
- Health – Women / Child (non-medical and medical with disclaimers),
- Lifestyle – Healthy Lifestyle (we all love the idea of happy and healthy life)
- Do-It-Yourself everyday hacks
- Traveling with family Tips, Hacks, etc
- Fashion – Kids Fashion. Everyday fashion for Women/Men. Accessories.
- Products Reviews – Products/ services related to Women, Family, and Parenting.
Event Coverage –
We also cover Blogger events and promote the same through the website. For more details please feel free to connect with us at –
Promotions, Reviews, Website coverage –
We are open to promoting your brand through content building, reviews of products/services, and website coverage. For all other details, please send us an email.
Thank You!
©Dipika Singh. This article is the property of the site’s author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links are used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.