The Power of Loving Yourself


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‘Where there is LOVE, there is LIFE‘ – Mahatma Gandhi

Yes, I am a mother to a growing Kid, wife to a loving husband, daughter/in-law, a sister and known by many more names. However, that won’t stop me saying – ‘Love yourself Truly‘. Will that make me any less in all the duties I have been performing? Will that make me – ‘self-obsessed‘? Let’s dwell on this debatable topic, but first thing first 🙂

Welcome, February! A month of Love with many quirky named days – starting from chocolate to kiss; hug to rose. Many young couples, college going kids would be keenly waiting for the date & everything that goes around it. This gave us an opportunity to bring you a series of blog posts – on the common goal – #shareURlove. We are a group of 20 versatile bloggers, joined together to write and share our Love posts with you. Minakshi – my very good friend and super talented Lifestyle Blogger commenced this blog-train. With her post on some awesome Valentine Day’s Gift Ideas. I also thank her for introducing me on her blog, Mommystimeline

‘My Self-esteem is HIGH because I HONOUR who I am’ – Louise Hay

Is Self Love any Bad?

This post is all going to be bragging about myself ? Nah… I can’t be this cruel. But yes, it has a lot to do with women and their projected image of ‘sacrificial lamb’ (pun intended). When I recall my childhood days – I can’t remember a single day/instance where mother enjoyed her ‘likes’. Magazines & Music was something she loved, but hardly got the time or ‘courage’ to focus on her interests. Courage – yes because in the early 1980s, daughter-in-law of a joint family was literally married to House & not a Man. Same was the story with my Mom-in-Law, she worked her whole life like a bonded unpaid labour. And if today, I call her to stay with me for some days to rest and enjoy– she gets bored and edgy.

If you drill deep and look at it from the micro level, the culprit is this image Indian society has created for women. Why women are not supposed to do what they Like? Why? When we do what we wish to, why questions are pointed to us? Over years same has been repeated time and after, and it’s become an unwritten, unsaid rule. But today, I am pleased to see a change. Women – the God gifted multi-taskers, are consciously putting efforts to balance out life and self-time.

Self Love – Invest in Yourself

As women, nurturers, our genesis is built on giving. Now, that doesn’t mean I do not fight for every penny spent outside on shopping. But yes, when it comes to our-self – we tend to neglect things. Be it health, self-care, hobbies, interests or mindful living.

Recently, I got an opportunity to attend a seminar on Thyroid awareness. Were many insights were shared on how women neglect the simple symptoms of their body and fall prey to bigger worries. Hence, I made sure to adopt mindful thinking and bring in some time and my care in daily routine. Bring in anything you love doing, but give yourself some time.

Adopt a time-pass; as I call it to my friends. Get yourself an interest if you don’t have one already. Cook, Read, Write, Dance, do whatever gives you peace. But DO IT FOR YOURSELF. For me, it’s my Blog which gives solace, and the reason why I love my Blog.

Guilty Not Guilty-

Have you committed a crime by spending some time on you? No right! So, why feel guilty for that.

A Happy Woman, is the most Beautiful Woman. 

So, take a pledge this Valentine’s Day and start loving yourself. Do not change anything, just search new you under the layers of responsibilities you piled on.


Oh yeah, before I conclude my Love yourself ‘Gyan’, let me introduce the next blogger who will be taking you around the Love tour. Meet Deepali, Mom to two wonderful teeny tots, she writes her experiences and learning at MyTeenyTot . She is a teacher by profession and loves sharing her parenting struggles and it’s embedded joys.
Let’s enjoy Parenting and make it fun together by reading her take on Love, parenting & more.

© Dipika Singh, all rights reserved.

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