Celebrating Women’s Day – Change the Perspective


Celebrating Women’s Day – “Think Like a Queen. A Queen is not Afraid to Fail. Failure is another Stepping stone to Success” – Oprah Winfrey.

8th March – day everyone celebrates as International Women’s Day! An initiative, a movement that began some years ago and gained momentum across globe for women’s rights. Today after so many decades since its inception, let’s check if the things have really changed.

Women are making headlines in all areas, there is hardly any job which a woman can’t master in. Be it any industry or job, women have proved their mettle. However, if you introspect and ask this question – Have the things really changed?

Yes, things have improved considerably, but there is still a long way to condition mindsets.

Figuring the difference

Women are commonly subjected to prejudice, be it any industry or profession. Let us take an example of Bollywood (Indian cinema & entertainment industry) where age, lineage and connections matter more than talent. Referring to an Instagram post of an awarded actress who; in spite of giving some of the best performances, is jobless today. Another actress who has proved unconventional looks and physical appearance matters nothing when it comes to talent. She is often referred as, multi-millionaire Producer’s wife. Women Directors – count can’t even cover all 10 fingers.

My question to all – Why a woman has to walk on the pre-marked line?

The Gross Disparity – Women’s Day Special

TGD, The Gross Disparity – wage difference. Women are still fighting the battle at many levels to get what they legally deserve when it comes to wages. There have been various instances in the past when this wage war had garnered highlights on television debates & tabloids. In fact, in a common Indian household, wife ought to earn lesser than her husband. Otherwise compatibility issues might arise in the marital life.

P.S. my brain has stop processing information after this statement.

Be the good girl, you always HAVE to be

Sit decently, talk softly, behave yourself, walk like a lady – well we have been listening these things all our life.

“Nirbhaya was a good girl? Oh NO! She was not that’s why got raped and killed.

Nirbhaya 2 was a good girl? No, No, not at all! That’s the reason she was raped in front of her family on a National highway.

Nirbhaya 3 was a good girl? Of course not! What was she doing alone in her house, when her drunk step father forced himself on her?

Nirbhaya 100th was a good girl? Not sure if she is just 6 months!!”

Are we still telling our daughters to be – ‘Good Girls’? It’s time we cut this mysterious tag of a good girl, and give them combat training. Or if you frivolously wish to preach – Teach your boys sensitivity.

Editor’s Note-

Women do not need a day to celebrate their achievements and triumphs. We are the best creation of GOD ? and trust me; we know that! However, all we want is some mindful thinking on our life journey. Women had powerful roles in early civilization periods, the whole life-n-death circle revolves around womb. Least mankind can do is – Gratitude towards that womb!

Women’s Day is a part of the bigger journey we embarked on. Let us celebrate it together with a smile and some amazing posts. A day to Celebrate Womanhood.

This post is part of a women’s day blog train hosted by Jhilmil Bhansali to celebrate and cherish the spirit of womanhood. Would like to thank Varsha for a beautiful mention on her lovely blog post featuring best Women-centric movies of Bollywood. Next on the hop is AmritKaur – AmritKaurAmy, a Graphic Designer, Media Associate and Blogger. A dear friend who is wholeheartedly dedicated to work and helping others grow.

“This post is also part of the #AlexaTheIncredible campaign hosted by #womenbloggerwb”

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© Dipika Singh.

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