International Women’s Day falls on 8th March, a movement which initiated ages ago to bring the backbone of society as front-runners. Women the basic structure of any social system started the crusade to ask what they legally deserved in the early 1900’s. The movement gained momentum and today its celebrated across the globe with much dedication & enthusiasm.
The campaign theme 2018 for International Women’s Day is #PressForProgress, which attributes to equality across all areas for women. Gender Parity or Equality – these words have garnered many mixed reactions from common folk on social media. Each reason for their best suitability. This let me introspect and ask –
Are We Ready For Gender Parity?
Read IWD – Change the Perspective.
International Women’s Day 2018 – Press For Progress
Many television debates or public forums have frequently raised the topic of gender equality. What is gender equality if I may ask –
“Gender equality, also known as sexual equality, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender. Including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender.” – source Wikipedia
Yes, many of us might agree of having gender parity; but there are scores of women who are still fighting for their rights. On that note – when I asked my domestic help, who earns more in her household; the reply was – Me & my daughters.
Society’s caretaker is an elderly lady, who has been sweeping the community area since last decade or so. I went to ask her – If she takes all decisions in her household? She smiled widely, showing her tobacco stained teeth and said – ‘kisi mein akkal hi nahi paise ki’ (no one has monetary knowledge at her house).
The garland lady – she drops marigold garlands to my home every alternate day. This time I caught her to chit-o-chat and asked the same question. Her reply shocked me a little – She left her family home & husband in Bihar some 30 yeas back to earn a decent living in a big city. The yearly visit to native is only to sell off the agri-produce and get her share from it. Her decision, her choice.
Point to Ponder this International Women’s Day
The society is changing, so is the role of women. There are many examples of living inspirations we see everyday around us. Remember that questioning sessions in school days – Who is your Ideal women? Today I would say – every woman who has an opinion. Earlier we had just a handful of women at the helm of affairs, but it’s not same anymore. We have our country’s Defense Minister a strong Lady. External Affair’s Minister – lady of steel. We have many women Top Executives in Multinational cooperates today.
Today the focus should be on #PressForProgress, as rightly the campaign theme of International Women’s day is. Gender parity again brings us to millennia-old debate of who does what? But the fact remains the same – Women have progressed to great heights from where they were in the early 1900’s. Now, is the time to take a joint stand and Progress Together.
On this note, I wish each and every women of this World – Happy Women’s Day 8th March!
Keep Striving; Keep Progressing.
This post is written for #BlogRendezvous – A blog soriee hosted by your’s truly and Wigglingpen. Our talented and versatile Blog participants will bring you post’s honoring International Women’s Day. This Blog Linky is sponsored by the brand which has given many women reason to smile and financial independence – VLCC
“Also linking with #AlexaTheIncredible campaign hosted by #womenbloggerwb”
© Dipika Singh.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger) with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Agree you that much has changed since the beginning of 1900’s with respect to women’s right. However we are much away from the desired. So as rightly said by you, we must keep striving and progressing! Lets make the world better for our daughters and for our future generations; a worthy place to live their life.
Totally Agreed with all the things you have written in the post and yes there are many women who are still fighting for their rights.
Completely agree to what you said. We have achieved gender equality but we are yet to achieve the gender equity.
We have come a long way and yet there are miles to go! I believe the day a woman is considered an equal stakeholder and her opinion is expected in every matter that impacts her life, we would have achieved what we set out to do.
Gender parity is when we stop defining who does what. Everyone should feel comfortable in doing what he or she wants, without the fear of society telling them who does what. Loved your write up, hope we achieve the gender equality soon!
“Who is your role model? The woman with an opinion.” This is a strong caption but how many of us do follow? It is high time we should change not for the society but ourselves. Happy Woman’s Day!!
Yes.. .I totally agree that every women is ideal who have opinion. Women are no less than in any field, lovely post.
Unless we all women, Mom’s, daughters, wives, sisters will unite. We will not be able to attain the sucess mutually. I agree with all your points you shared here.
Gender equality is something which is a big topic of discussion. I am proud that today even our maids are also aware of their rights and earning not only to help family but fr their well being…
Agree with your thoughts Dipika, there are many who are still fighting their way and some have achieved big. I wish all a Happy Womens Day.
totallt agree with your point of view . Every single female have right to be treated equally. Yes to go with women enpowerment.
It’s very crucial for women to keep striving hard for the rights they deserve. It’s only possible if we all use our collective strength, just like you said!
Though the scenario might seem changed a lot, but when we actually look closely to the major components of our society the gender parity seems a long awaited task again. Even if I ask my maid, she is earning more than anyone in her household, but still she doesn’t have financial power to take decisions.
Getting such inspiring answers from women from supposed underprivileged backgrounds only means how far women have come, and not just now. We create and demand equality and fight for it if denied. Good post, Dipika.
This so touched my heart dear! Yes, every woman with an opinion is my ideal, because she has fought for it.. So overwhelmed reading this!
Totally agree !Every woman should be treated equally & we have to stand united.
First of all thank you so much for bringing such wonderful post. I’m totally agree with your thoughts. Women are progressing equally in every field today.
Well said equality is right for all women or men ..time to move ahead
A nicely written article. I too prefer gender equality.
Agreed with you totally. Love the way you have presented.
Totally Agreed with it, we are still fighting for our rights, for respect.
I totally agree with each word you said. Loved reading this such posts.
well expressed! Agree with you that it is indeed time to press for progress. inequality is redundant and serves no purpose.
Agree with every word. No doubt woman have risen to great heights today, but we can’t deny that a large number of women are still struggling on a daily basis for their basic rights, their core happiness. I hope this one day of Women’s Celebration extends to year long where each day we treat women same as on this day. 🙂
Very well said… It is time to move ahead and everyone should treated equally… Happy Women’s Day to all.
Absolutely it is the time for #PressForProgess, because this is how our country will build up when both Male and females share equal amount of responsibilities and put equal amount of efforts!
Great blog. Thumbs Up! Written very well, Thanks for Sharing Informative blog.
[…] Your lovely daughter should be celebrated also being a little woman. You can create lovely heartstrings to make her feel special and appreciated as a woman. By doing so you nurture the womanhood in her and she will grow up to be a responsible woman in the society. You can this using strings and heart-shaped cut paper and hang them on her room’s door. Women are great people in society and deserve our gratitude and appreciation so ensure that you get special gifts during Women’s Day celebrations. […]