My Happiness Mantra – Theme Reveal


Don’t think too much. Just do what makes you Happy.

– Buddha Teachings

It’s time for A to Z with Blogchatter and blogging family again, what better start than gratitude towards life and a happiness quote. After brainstorming high and low, taking advises from friends and a few from husband too finally I picked what is close to my heart. Smiles 🙂

If you know me as a person, I bet you know what I am talking about. I am one of those rare creatures, who don’t mind being hilarious. Even if I am the focal point of the joke, I can take it in high spirits. Unless you insult my footwear or handbag or the shade of my lipstick; in that case, I am touchy you see! Happiness acts like a magnet, it attracts positivity and joy. When there are so many things in this world to get happy for, why fret on small disappointments?

my happiness mantra
be happy
finding happiness

Why Take up Blogging Challenges?

Blogchatter gives an opportunity to writers and blogging community to get serious with their act, twice every year. And being an active member with them, I participate in both these events –

  1. A to Z Challenge
  2. My Friend Alexa

Writing gives me happiness, a feeling of fulfillment and content that’s tough to find otherwise. When I attempted AtoZ2018 ‘Gleeful Parenting‘, it was tough and mindbogglingly exciting too. Who doesn’t like challenges, it takes you to a different level altogether. With such blogging challenges, we can achieve various benefits –

  • Time management
  • Blogging calendar – planning the topics, themes, schedule of publishing the post, etc.
  • Long term associations – I have made many friends while doing these blogging challenges.
  • Readers – We blog to get read, when you writing theme based posts everyday connections are bound to take place.
  • Turn into an Author – Yes, Blogchatter also helps you in becoming one. How? Wait till the end of this challenge.
  • Grow as a Blogger – the experience of writing 26 posts in one month is a big deal. You will see a huge change in your own writing.

My Happiness Mantra –

my happiness mantra finding happiness
what is happiness

Happiness is a state of mind that keeps your sanity alive in this mad world, and especially if you are connected a little too much on social media. We have two sets of energies around us, positive or negative. It’s our selection that makes the whole difference. I am a happy person, and prefer to be around the same energy, hence the blog name – Gleefulblogger 😉

I always believed life is all about enjoying the little moments of joy. Tiny, minuscule successes, small achievements bring immense joy in life. One doesn’t need a life coach or a shrink if we realize happiness comes from the smallest of the things around.

Have you witnessed a sunset or sun rise in total calm? The euphoria of that moment is happiness. Listening to birds chirping early morning or watching your child taking his/her first steps, these moments of life are total bliss.

Recently, when daily tabloids highlighted the figures of depression cases in India and the World, it was shocking and beyond belief. Depression, persistent sadness, emptiness, anxiety, insomnia there are various names and reasons for a mental or neurological disorder. Negativity seeps so deep in us, that we ignore the real good happening around us.

This time with A to Z Challenge, my aim is to bring a positive change in our lives through these 26 posts. I will be writing on ‘My Happiness Mantra‘, sharing my own reasons to be happy and gratitude towards life.

Hope you enjoy this happiness ride along with me, and share your feedback for us to grow together as friends, family, and better community.

blogchatterA2Z theme reveal
Image Credit – Blogchatter

Happy Blogging!


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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