“A Day without Laughter is a Day wasted!” – Charlie Chaplin
Do you remember when you had a real hearty laugh, with friends, family or colleagues? Pulled a prank on someone, without the guilt of wasting time or being scorned later. Or read a satirical piece of writing without getting offended or judgemental about it.
I grew up in the time when ‘intolerance‘ was just a dictionary word. Friends made fun of each other, blatantly and shamelessly, but no one named it as ‘bullying‘. Santa-Banta jokes or other such memes were neither racist nor demeaning. In fact, those were the best ice-breaker jokes and part of every family dinners or gathering. No one ever felt de-meaned nor any group pledged to take legal action back then.
However, the scene is changed drastically today. We are neither social nor tolerant now, even a small laughter makes us fidgety. A simple hello from a stranger, makes us feel uncomfortable! Have you ever wondered why?
Laughter Clubs or a Real Hearty Laugh!
Just a couple of days back I was reading this message thread on an ‘Online Mom Community‘. A lady had forwarded a joke/ prank, something like – when you click the given link, it takes you to a new window showing your profile back at you with a message. The message read like “You have duped that lady with ‘x’ amount of money.”
It was a simple prank and had been forwarded many times on social networking channels. Plus anyone having the slightest sense could catch the trick of being fooled. But all hell went loose on that poor woman for forwarding this prank. She spent her entire day in explaining to all those women that this is just a prank and apologizing. The replies she received were outright hateful, some even derogatory. One lady (highly educated with a very reputable job) even passed the judgment – ‘you should be hanged for this stupid prank‘. I wonder why?
We enroll in expensive laughter therapy, laughter yoga sessions or join laughter clubs to de-stress our life but a hearty laugh make us feel awkward.
Laughter is contagious –
Yes, laughter is contagious and it spreads like wildfire. Bring laughter in your life, laugh out loud. Our children are looking up to us for every lesson. Teach them to stay happy and smile in every situation. With a positive attitude, half the problem gets resolved itself.
‘There is NO path to Happiness; Happiness is the PATH.’ – Buddha
Empathy, Compassion, Sensibility, and Love are the pillars of social structure. You move one, the whole building starts getting life-threatening cracks. With a little displacement of the second pillar whole structure collapses. Our kids are following the same footprints, they do not laugh at jokes, stay aloof, and lack empathy. I keep telling my husband and friends how this young generation really needs social-behavior grooming. When I see teenage kids, they seriously lack social etiquette and empathy.
Just the other day a pregnant lady was waiting for a rickshaw to reach her home. She was clearly troubled by her weight, heat, and of course the inconvenience of the public transport system. After a long wait when a rickshaw approached, suddenly a young kid came from other side and hopped on it. On being asked to vacate for the expecting lady, her answer was a shocker for me – ‘is this the only rickshaw in the entire city?‘ And whole life my mom taught me to respect elders, show compassion, be kind.
This is not just one of its kind incident, there are many that we encounter every day on social media. Young kids with a strong ‘I, Me, and Myself’ approach. Where we as parents going wrong to bring such disconnect in young hearts and minds?
Catch them Young and Teach Values
As I mentioned earlier in my posts, I have born and bred in a full house party – a joint family with granny, grandpa, uncle, aunt, and cousins. Our grandparents were always on the roll to teach us values, social behavior, etiquette, morals, and point out where we went wrong. Today, most of us are in a nuclear setup and due to the extra burden of duties somethings are bound to get neglected. However, we have to re-think and introspect about the duties that are getting neglected. After all, it is our responsibility to bring better human beings, isn’t it?
Empathy, compassion, love, and laughter these things are inter-related and should include in child’s upbringing. Basic Golden Words – Thank You, Sorry, May I, Please, Excuse me are just not empty words. These are emotions, values which need to be imbibed in the younger generation’s heart and mind.
All we need is a little real LOL in life, and this is just not a short form of laugh out loud or a response to social media forwarded messages. So next time when you read a joke have a real LOL or ROFL moment share it with others too. Spread cheer, happiness and yes Laugh out Loud everyone!!
This post is written for #BlogchatterA2Z series by Blogchatter, and my theme for this challenge is Gleeful Parenting. Previously from the series –
J for Jumble Bumble.
K for Kind Attention.
This post reminds me something. On the way to home I saw a lady with heavy bags knave to walk. Seems her daughter, probably about 12 yrs old accompanied without bothering her mom and the bags. The lady tipped and fell downn. It was really pathetic as she was above 45 and I can imagine how she would have felt mentally and physically hurt. The girl laughed so loud. Some of us want to help the lady and one of them did really scold the girl for being so mean. Seriously people don’t laugh when needed.. They laugh for university reasons. Some to an extent forget to laugh and go in search of laughing clubs. Good post. L is for Love in the Air. https://syncwithdeep.wordpress.com/2018/04/13/l-love-is-in-the-air-blogchattera2z-atozchallenge-atoz/
Face it, even though life can be hard, boring and painful at times, you don’t have to let it make you a sourpuss. You need a healthy sense of humor. You need to laugh more. Add laughing to your daily routine. Everyone has some kind of routine in their lives. Routine gives us comfort because it’s familiar and predictable. But it can also become mundane and boring. So add some spice. Get a joke book and read one a day along with your morning coffee or at lunch. Or you could get a page a day calendar with funny pictures or jokes to read every morning when you get up or arrive at work. Look at your routine and see where you can insert something.
Laughter is the best medicine and its better the children learn that the earliest. Laughing come naturally to children all we need it make sure that it is not lost in the growing years.
Thoughtful post Dipika
Yet another eye-opener. While the whole day inam the person you wrote above dear, in the morns and in the nights I make it a giggle time with the kiddo mandatorily dear ♥️
I have realised that we teach children everything, except how to laugh. Laughing is a crucial skill and helps make life better. Another insightful post, Dipika.
I think Dipika, kids generally learn from the environment they are exposed to. Like you said that since you lived in a joint family you had a complete different upbringing from the kids today since there are more nuclear families now. However, kids imbibe values like empathy from their family not because they are taught but they observe it within the family. This has to be the primary reason. Having said that peer group also plays a huge role in behaviour of a child. Due to the exposure that kids get nowadays , the role of parents have become very critical. We need to always be vigilant and observe behaviour of our children. And make them aware of the their mistakes by a continued dialogue.
So true , laugh is so important in our lives . Every laugh makes us love ourself more . Real LOL are declining slowly , we should never leave any chance of laughing with friends which can make us feel light . The emoji popping out is so cute .
We all surely need some LOL and our kids too. They do and learn what they see. Parents should make it a point to teach them to laugh and to take things lightly. Good one!
Nothing like a good laugh straight from the heart, its the best therapy for everyone young or old
Of late laughing at the problems of others is the new craze i suppose. Teens or the next gen certainly don’t have social etiquette. There was a time when i let my hair down with school friends and laughed always. After listening to weird comments like ‘you always laugh so it means you don’t have any problems in life’ and other various analysis i decided ill be composed which seemed better for me. At home front there is enough craziness at dinner to laugh about.. more pj’s that keep us connected. A good laugh keeps our happy.
I can recall that particular incident, and I really felt bad for the woman who was just trying to induce some laughter in an otherwise regular day and mad at the other women who made her feel guilty of making them laugh. Deepika, I agree with you, we should make the most of our times with our kids. 20 years later, I would want my daughter to remember the laughs we have had with her.
Yes..we tend to forget to laugh thanks to all the drama that surrounds us, most of the times. I laugh to my heart full when I am with my school and college friends without the fearing of being branded maniac 😀
Thanks a lot Meenu, hahha that’s true if we have to be really happy we have to let ourselves free.
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