Me and Mine – Turn it into Sharing and Caring


“”Sharing is Caring – Teaching our children to share is teaching them compassion and love.” – Kevin Heath

No mom! we cannot give this dress to aunty. This is my favorite dress.‘ She said making such a poise face, even my heart skipped a beat.

‘But you have grown big beta, how will you fit in this now?’ I asked her, hoping she will give in.

I will keep it as a memory of my childhood‘. She is just 6 and talking about childhood.

Time being I decided to keep that dress, but this battle of giving or not is going on for some years now. Once she had refused a kid to sit in my lap, her age was just three then and hence we blamed child insecurity.

However, this insecurity, me and mine keep playing hide and seek with us. I discussed this with mother, however somehow I guessed what her answer would be. “Single Child, this is bound to happen“. When I opened my mouth to react, she snubbed me saying – ‘you never had problems with sharing, because you had siblings.‘ Now, who has bone to pick with a MOM? But I clearly know this is not the case of how many numbers of children one has.

care and share

Sense of Belonging

Children have an overwhelming sense of possession, hence sharing becomes tough for them. However, with age or some small routine changes, same can be altered.

Initiate sharing

Children can be taught sharing in various ways. One could be that by giving turns. First is your chance, second for another child. However, this may also lead to ‘why not me first?‘ issues. So parents have to tackle the situation carefully.

Make them in-charge

Let them resolve the matter, give them the lead and let them handle the tussle of sharing. By this way, they learn the problem-solving skills and also the issue in hand gets a practical solution.

Explain the utility

Children have curious minds and our simple NO enhance their curiosity manifolds on them. Hence, instead of using words like “No”, “Don’t”, “Never” explain them the utility. A discussion is the easiest solution to each and every problem.

This post is written for #BlogchatterA2Z series by Blogchatter, and my theme for this challenge is Gleeful Parenting. Previously from the series –

K for Kind Attention.

L for Laughter Therapy.

@Dipika Singh Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger) with right and specific direction to the original content.
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