My Happiness Mantra – All Is Well


Today we begin our new journey of A2Z Challenge 2019 in search of ‘happiness‘. I will be sharing My Happiness Mantra, this year as a reminder for all of us to enjoy the Life.

Enjoy, even if it is too tough to smile, enjoy even if you feel bombarded with loads of responsibilities. Enjoy life and live it to the fullest.

The Purpose of our Lives is to Be Happy.

H.H. Dalai Lama

There are times when we feel helpless and stress even on the smallest or most trivial things. Overexert our brain for things which are sometimes beyond our control. Or keep thinking on the same issue/problem with various permutations and combinations. In the end, we just sulk into the worry even deeper than one could think.

Some call it unnecessary stress, or anxiety. Stressing over trivial things which can be ignored or sorted easily. We often keep ourself engulfed with an army of such issues. Basically, there is this tiny bubble inside us which keeps haunting to change the natural human behavior. As human beings, our nature is to feel content in whatever we do. However, with the evolvution, as we grew into smarter species, our search to seek happiness outside grew even further. This is the root cause of all the worries.

My Happiness Mantra – All Is Well

My Happiness Mantra for Blogchatter A2Z
Image – Etsy.

Without going too heavy on the ‘preaching mode‘, here is what I intend to do from now on. Remind my heart to stay happy No matter what the situation is.

Happiness is a state of mind! You have to make an easy attempt to select it and keep reminding yourself – to be happy. I remember my solo time in Melbourne, during the corporate training back in 2006. It was a typical routine of 9 to 5 job, wake-up, go to the office, work, come back home and look into oblivion. Being an outsider, I wasn’t very warmly welcomed in the beginning. And slowly, that sulky feeling took over me. The problem started cropping when the work got affected. I had to make a choice to either pack my bags, say good-bye to an opportunity or face it and fight over it.

I hopped into a cyber cafe on a weekend and started surfing chat-rooms. That was when I found this solo-travelers who meet post office hours and explore the city. It was my very first International trip and was just two years into corporate-culture. I was skeptical and discussed this with a lady in office (an Iranian lady in her mid-fifties) who warned me off from venturing with lurkers. However, the sardarni inside me prodded to try it once. With a razor blade in my bag and Hanuman Chalisa on the lips, I took the road into the wilderness chanting all will be FINE.

Man, what an experience it was. I had my best time in and around Melbourne with those strangers. When I saw the Bollywood movie, 3 Idiots it reminded me of how I also fooled my heart into trying something unknown – All Izz Well.

If you think deep down, happiness is easily achievable by just peeping inside your heart. We search high and low, go on pilgrimage in search of life’s attainment (I am not against pilgrimage). But the truth is – Happiness is an emotion which lies within us. We just need to keep reminding our self to keep tapping on it and say ALL IS WELL under duress.

90% of human problems have a simple solution – A Smile.

Image Sourced – Etsy.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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