To Whoever It May Concern…


We are in the last leg of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge, the week which brings the toughest letters to cramp in decent posts/titles. The letter of the day is ‘T’, hence, I thought to speak my current state of mind in this post. To Whoever It May Concern… It Doesn’t Matter!

Life is unpredictable, you cannot foresee what will happen the very next moment. But, as humans, we complicate it with various strings. We make relations, and start expecting love, relativity in return. When the same feelings are met with hostility, we call it a foul play. The reason behind every heartache, betrayal is our own expectations.

Is there a difference in ‘I don’t care‘, and ‘It doesn’t matter‘?

Yes, a huge one actually. When you say I don’t care, deep down you actually care a lot. The crux of all human problems. For every small feeling, tiniest acts of affection, relationships we build up huge expectations. When these expectations do not get reciprocated – heart breaks, depression, sadness, and other side effects.

So, shall we stop caring for ours? No, absolutely not! We are made to make connections, it’s in our DNA to be social. But no one said anything about expecting the same emotions in return. It’s normal to expect from those we care for or love. But blaming them for not reverting back with same dedication is wrong. So, to whoever it may concern…it doesn’t matter.

‘To Give and Not EXPECT anything in Return, that is what lies at the heart of LOVE.’

Rupert Everett

Not expecting in return, it’s easier said than done. When we love someone, we generally end up expecting far more from them. However, for our own good keep a tight leash on the emotions.

It doesn’t matter…

life quotes happy living

That’s one thing I picked from my better half. He is always Mr. Calm when it comes to tricky ‘humanly’ situations. At the same point, I overreact end up raising my blood pressure and triggering migraines. I always wondered, how could he? How effectively he disassociate himself from sticky situations like betrayals, close confrontations, office politics.

After spending a decade with him, I have learned the art well but still momentary such things put me down. Reminding your heart all is well is a great thing to do, but there is one more lesson which life taught me – It Doesn’t Matter.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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