Acceptance – First step towards Positive Parenting


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Acceptance key to Positive Parenting

Welcome to A to Z of ‘Gleeful Parenting’, my theme for #BlogchatterA2Z from Blogchatter. This is my first attempt for A-Z with an intention to write 26 posts comprising 26 happy parenting concepts. The alphabet for today, i.e., first day of this challenge is ‘A’. Beginning my alphabetical series of Gleeful Parenting with Acceptance.

Albert Einstein said – “once we accept our limits, we go beyond them”.

Accept their views – Gleeful Parenting

We often lay down rules / principles for children discerning this is for their own good. By laying such rules and boundaries we constraint them in pre-decided goals and standards. Assuming we as parents know what is good and best for them. This enhances our role from that of nurturer, guide / mentor to dominator. We indirectly start making conscious decisions for children, giving them minute scope of refutation.

However, when they spread wings and explore world beyond our boundaries; then comes the clash of opinions. As parents we should accept our children as individiual first. They have their own capacities, visions and aspirations. Let them live their life free from conscious parental interferences.

“Happiness can exist only in Acceptance” – George Orwell

Accepting the way they are –

There is no two-ways to it, accept the way they are. God has created everyone for a purpose, be it big or small. There are some children who are very good in academics and some are exceptional in extra-curricular activities. We do not paint a whole picture with same brush, so why comparing kids. Every child is born with his/her own capabilities, let them identify these gifts. Acceptance is key to happiness.

Also read – Are you on the right track in terms of parenting?

Accept them with their abilities or disabilities, it is our responsibility to turn any disability into opportunity. A child born with limitation, may do exceptionally well in life with a little push or guidance. Stephen Hawking & President Roosevelt transformed their disabilities into determination beyond excellence.

Parents act as guiding force for their children, early acceptance brings solidarity specially when it comes physical limitations. As parents, we strive to make those limitations their strengths. Accepting positive parenting is bringing up positive children.

Life becomes easier when you LEARN to ACCEPT! – Robert Brault.

Accept your distinctive Parenting Style –

Every parent has their own parenting style, I have one and surely you would be having your own. Determine your style and follow the pursuit to avoid confusion among children. Accepting one parenting style, helps in better understanding between parent and child. Evaluate the causes and effects of parenting style on child’s behavior. If it needs to changed for betterment – Accept and alter.

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acceptance parenting

@Dipika Singh Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger) with right and specific direction to the original content.
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