Be an Active Listener Parent


Listening is an art; and we as parents must excel in that.

An active listener parent exhibits a balanced understanding of the problem and then reacts accordingly. Our kids need to learn this – but with examples and not narration. Are you a good listener parent? Oh yeah! I am. Let’s do a small quiz here to see if we are?

  • You do not STOP your work completely to listen to what your child is saying? – Yes/ No
  • You ONLY listen completely if it affects you directly. – Yes/ No
  • You only listen to the first part of the statement and guess the aftermath. – Yes/ No
  • Do you notice the tone difference in a child’s ‘usual conversation’ ALWAYS? – Yes/ No
  • You ALWAYS communicate with your child while making an eye contact? – Yes/ No
  • It takes more than one attempt from your child, to get your attention. – Yes/ No

Be sincere in your replies, and introspect are you an active listener parent?

Prerequisite for being an active listener parent –

Situation one

Mom: What took you so long?

Child: When he (friend) pushed me, I fell on the ground and …

Mother: What!! How could he? How dare he push you so hard? Let me go and talk to his Mother.

Situation two

Mom: What took you so long?

Child: When he pushed me, I fell on the ground and my clothes got dirty. He took me home and cleaned me up. His mother brought me some juice and candies.

Mother: That’s so nice of them, but you should be careful next time while playing.

These are two different ways to handle the same situation, hyper-reacting or not listening to the conversation completely can lead to serious confusion. Children look up to their parents for every action and reaction. It is our responsibility to bring the best out of them with exemplary behavior.

active listening skills

Why Listening to children all the time is important?

Firstly, good listening enables efficient communication skills in children. Communication is a two-way process; Speaker and Receiver. Unless the receiver can comprehend the message completely the process will not be complete.

Read Top 6 Parenting Mistakes that Push Teens into Rebellion, here.

Listening completely to children brings them out of their cagey cocoon. Kids often keep some feelings to themselves and create a cocoon around them to hide from mingling with others. Eye contact and sensitive listening help them break the ice.

Consistent speaking holds back listening and understanding in kids. When kids with higher verbal tendencies, talk consistently they are deterred from understanding the message. Which could lead to issues while studying in later stages.

Concentrated listening in children brings a better understanding of concepts. School is the best place to meet new people and grow beyond the comfort zone of home. With good listening habits, children easily learn new concepts and display a sense of belonging to the educator and surroundings.

Bring better listening conditions by example, be an active listener, and exhibit the same to children. With efficient listening, we set a stage for our kids to learn and comprehend properly. So, be a good listener parent 🙂

This is the 2nd post in the series of “Gleeful Parenting“, that I have undertaken for #BlogchatterA2Z 2018 challenge by Blogchatter.

If you missed reading the first post from Gleeful Parenting series, no worries here is the link – A for Acceptance.


©Dipika Singh. This article is the property of the site’s author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links are used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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