6 Skills that Fosters Personality Development in Kids


Times have changed and so have the kids around us. Nowadays, ensuring that a kid goes to school to study is not enough. Personality development has also become crucial for a child’s growth.

There are a lot of skills, particularly 21st-century skills, that a kid can learn to ensure success in this era.

Here are some skills that a kid in today’s day and age should have –

1. Good communication skills –

Kids in their lifetime come across and interact with a lot of people. Peers, teachers, and family to name a few. Having good communication skills helps kids put forward their opinions well.

  • Being a good public speaker also requires good communication skills. If your kid has it, he or she can become a good public speaker. A lot of professions need good communication skills. For example, journalism, Host, Spokesperson, Lawyer, etc.
  • Good communication skills enable kids to communicate with teachers or peers. Kids can often feel shy when engaging in a conversation with their friends. Being good at communication can easily solve this issue.
  • Kids with good communication skills often have outgoing personalities. They are much easier to reach out to than their friends and make up for great speakers.

2. Digital and Technical Skills –

In the 21st century, this is a skill that a kid must and should have. Knowing how to use basic electronic gadgets. Apps can help a kid understand technology better. Online classes have become the norm for kids these days. Hence, knowing how to use an online learning platform becomes significant.

  • A kid must understand and know about the basic skills. They should know how to operate a laptop or a computer. It has become a necessity today, where technology is growing at an insane rate.
  • It can also open opportunities for your kids in professions that involve programming. Professions involving a lot of technical and digital to-dos.

3. Good Speaking Skills –

personal development in kids

Being a good speaker is something we all want to become. We are sure that parents feel proud when their kid/kids deliver a speech on stage in front of a massive audience. It is also a great confidence booster for the kid.

  • Good speaking skills can be a strength of a kid. The ability to convey a message to anyone in the best possible way has immense benefits.
  • Having good speaking skills can make a kid a great public speaker as well. It can also help in boosting the personality of the kid and can give him or her great self-esteem.
  • There are a lot of professions that need one to be a good speaker. From being a teacher, professor to being a sales representative.

4. Good Listening Skills –

Being a good listener is a quality that is evident among a lot of great leaders. It not only helps you to gain a proper perspective on things but also speaks and communicates better. Installing good listening skills in kids can help them in many ways.

  • It can help them in their academic life. By listening better, one can understand and process the information in a better way.
  • It can also make a kid a great team leader or a team player. Since both roles need a person to be a good listener, at the end of the day.
  • Good listening skills can help a kid to grasp more information in a short period.

5. Good Social Skills

personality development in kids

Socializing is a major part of a kid’s life. It eventually shapes their personality in the longer run. Kids, who do not socialize a lot, are often referred to as introverts. In order to prevent introversion, many parents feel it is key to do an online search for “preschool child care near me in Mt. Airy, MD” (or will amend this search to their location) and enroll their children in a suitable social setting as early as possible. Children can begin learning social skills very early, as non-verbal communication makes up part of socialisation too. Kids who socialise a lot are referred to as extroverts and are typically seen as more confident and natural-born leaders.

  • Having good social skills will enable a kid to become more outgoing.
  • It will help the kid to form more meaningful and deeper relationships in his or her life.
  • It will also help the kid to develop a good social life in the long run.
  • It will help the kid join various communities or clubs and talk and engage with new people around.

6. Critical Thinking –

Critical thinking skills have become important, especially for a kid these days. Not only it helps with the academics of the kids but with extracurricular activities. From math to analytics, it all requires critical thinking.

  • You can help your kid be better at critical thinking in a lot of ways.
  • You can get your kid into any activity that requires the kid to use his or her critical thinking skills. Activities like chess or computer programming can enhance a child’s critical thinking skills.
  • Critical thinking is also associated with a lot of professions. If your kid wants to become an analyst or a programmer, then he should have sharp critical thinking skills.

There you have it. Those are some important skills that a kid should have in today’s day and age. Kids should get these skills to tackle any obstacle that life throws at them.


©Dipika Singh. This article is the property of the site’s author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links are used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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