How to make a schedule for kids? This is one query I often get in my social media messengers or during the live sessions with followers?
Is it easy to make a child’s schedule when at home? Well, when kids are at home, they can get bored and stressed out easily. It can be hard to balance online classes, play, and still being organized. We adults ourselves find it really difficult to manage and organize at times, isn’t it?
The ‘school’ is now at home, and kids can’t meet their friends, the old routine and structure of life are changed drastically. Yet kids need to stay active, attend online classes, and find means of recreation at home.
While it’s important to make sure the children get used to the new system at home, but we also have to remember not to overload kids’ schedules.
Let’s see how we can have a daily schedule of kids at home:
Chill out! –
Have you ever noticed when you are hyper in the house, your child suddenly starts acting up and throwing tantrums? It’s because they are exceptionally good at picking up vibes. When vacations are here and the entire family might be around at home, it gets difficult sometimes to balance everything. This is why it’s important to first calm yourself down. Take a deep breath, relax your muscles, and then communicate with your child. Trust me, it works wonders. Take a chill pill mom. It is vacation time; the child’s schedule is going to be naughty!
Bring the monsoon home –
So what if you can’t go out to enjoy the monsoons? There are several ways you can bring it home to your kids. You can still watch the rain from the balcony with snacks. You could make it storytime where the entire family gathers together to enjoy the rain and tell stories from your childhood or grandparents’ childhood from ‘back in those times!’
You can also make alternate water play at home! Children can still make crafts such as paper boats and float them in the balcony. Or if you don’t mind a little mess, you can create a rainy atmosphere indoors. All you need is an old mug with holes in it and some water and voila! Your little one has his/her own tiny shower to dance under. If you want to try something fun and educative, in your child’s schedule teaching them indoor gardening is a good idea because monsoons are the perfect time to learn about growing plants.

Access the free online learning tools available –
Most schools are conducting online classes, but if your kid’s school isn’t going down that road, you can always look up online how to manage online learning of kids in India and find a lot of free resources. Many e-learning websites are offering a range of curricular and extracurricular programs for free during this period. You can also find publishing houses offering free reading materials for all school years. Use this opportunity to make your child’s schedule stay on track.
Engage your child in indoor games –
From Ludo to Carom, a whole lot of multiplayer mobile games are trending now to keep your child recreationally engaged. However, don’t force the little ones into this. Some of them may not be interested in it and that’s okay. There are other ways. For example, engage them in helping you in household chores. But remember, recreation is a matter of choice, not compulsion. Understand their pulse and offer them options accordingly.
It’s important to remember that playing right is a part of grow right too. Make sure they stay physically active at home, hydrated and well-fed. A routine meal plan containing immunity building foods is a must. PediaSure is something that supports their immunity and brain development with its 37 vital nutrients and ensures they are getting their complete and balanced nutrition as well.
There is no restriction on online learning. With a balanced approach, we can make sure the children are growing the right way. Teach them empathy, show them how to help the neighbors, and help them come out in the new world of tomorrow with a better understanding of humanity, love, and compassion. But make sure every part of learning is enjoyable and enlightening to them, not a matter of added burden or stress.
The opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. They do not reflect the views of any brand. Any omissions or errors at the author’s end does not assume any liability or responsibility on any party mentioned in the blog.
©Dipika Singh. This article is the property of the site’s author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.
It is important that parents don’t overload their children. We have plenty of chill-out time. In fact probably too much!!
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Great post, it is important to help them keep a balance. Even with doing school online this year everything is going to be pretty busy, my kids are set up to do school for a full school day.
Glad you like it, thanks for stopping by.
I tell my bestfriend this all the time!! My godson is sometimes too busy ,even for sleep!
Oh No! that’s going too overboard. Thank you for stopping by.
Lots of helpful points here, as adults we shape our children into the adults they will become.
True that, thank you.
Such great points you have made here to help manage children and their experience at home during this time of lockdown and online learning. If we as adults find this time stressful, we can only expect children to feel similar. Thank you for sharing some good tactics to effectively address this and make it easier for all concerned.
Glad you like the post, thank you for stopping by.
absolutely agreeing to your sharing here, thanks for this reminder to most parents not to overoccupied kids, let them have some time to enjoy what they really love 😀
cheers, siennylovesdrawing
Thank you, I am glad you liked the article.
You are absolutely right, I don’t think parents do their kids a favor when they keep them active and entertained all the time. Too many kids don’t even know how to be bored. I find that when my kids are left alone and after the initial complaining and boredom, they figure out their own activities without adult help. I think that is just as important. And it really is a blessing when they can happily stay indoors too. It has it’s own benefits and it makes for a different kind of family time.
I so agree with you, when they get bored the answers too would come out. Thank you for stopping by.
Thanks for all the tips, over loading our kids at times can have the opposite effect on them, without our knowledge. Kids do not need to be overwhelmed with too much.
This article made me think of my childhood. It sucks when I had no playtime. And my mom asked me to finish reading all the books, finishing the chores. However, those made me what I am today.
This article has some points too! Thank you!
this is right, some parent are good in overload your children schedule, which is not really good . when you over load the schedule of children with house chores. at the end thy get tired and weak
Thanks for sharing all these great tips. I agree that overloading our children can have the opposite effect on them. I also believe every kid is different, my older could function normally when overwhelmed, unlike my younger one.
It is important not to overload children’s schedules. When I was a child we didn’t have home work until secondary school, aged 11. Kids need to be kids, learn how to entertain themselves, develop in their own way. And a full on overload of ‘work’ doesn’t help this at all. Great post, thanks for sharing.
Glad you like it, thank you for stopping by.
Thanks for these necessary reminders and tips! I’d say we should also apply it to ourselves! Not to overload ourselves and plug in plenty of relaxation or play time.
Glad you like it, thank you so much
Yes I totally agree with you. Since I have a toddler we are mostly learning by playing. And I make sure whatever we are doing he is enjoying that
Not a mom but I have nieces at home and I agree with many points here. And playing actually helps!
Totally agree! I may not have kids that studying now but this is helpful guide and good to know as early as now.
Our kids are all homeschooled and they manage their own time. The only demands we ask for is they clean-up their rooms every weekend.
Home-schooling is a great idea these days, we have also progressing into it. Thank you for stopping by.
It’s true, we as parents should understand the pressure we put on kids…I really liked the way you explained how important is for us to guide them and give space to them
I agree children need to have a place where we don’t get angry. I notice it too in our house. Thank you for the tips!
Glad to know that, thank you so much.
Balance is everything. Great tips.
I agree that you should def. keep a child busy with indoor games!!
[…] of the ups and downs. The first sensible thing to do is to give them the attention they need and encourage them to try something they don’t usually do, like making new friends when you’re at the […]
Thank you for the share. It is a great tips. Children are so stressful this lockdown .. we should schedule and make routine which is not so overload for them
I absolutely agree, making schedules help to organize
This is such an important post. Parents overload a child’s schedule, sometimes living vicariously through them. Each child is different. Let them be.
Absolutely, treat them as equal and respectfully. Thank You.
You never fail to inspire me. What a beautiful post. Most parents indulge in tons of activities but then the overload doesn’t let them take it far. It only ends up in frustration. Love these pearls of parenting
I agree, we expect too much out of them which land up in frustration from every side. Glad you like it, and thank you for your kind words.
Letting children be children is a very sound policy to follow, especially in these difficult times. I also agree with your point about recognising the pulse of your child and engaging them in activities they are more likely to enjoy.
It’s an overwhelming time indeed. We adults need to calm down and be attentive to children’s needs. Also,everything is not going to be organised or perfectly scheduled so we need to relax mentally.
Yes, you are absolutely right. We have to be more relevant than demanding. Thank you for stopping by.
[…] be stepping out during a pandemic for a vaccine or whether I could wait for a few months since children are at home, I got the answer through my child’s […]
This is very Informative post!!!