Thoughtful Parenting: How Parent Involvement Benefit Children?


We are well aware of the effects of parent involvement in a child’s education and primary development. Many pieces of research have shown highly motivating results of parent involvement in early education. Kids perform better academically and in overall activities with high parent involvement. Whereas those with the least involvement, perform poorly in studies and other associated activities.

Schools and families are two closely-knit epicenters for the child’s early learning and behavioral growth. Hence, parental involvement in school brings a positive manifestation in children which is reflected in their cognitive and socio-personal relationships too.

Benefits of Parent Involvement in Kid’s School –

Responsive or active parenting involves a higher degree of parental influence in early education. Cognition and brain development help children to cope with future pressures and challenges. With active parenting, in the beginning, you build a bridge between expectations and efforts.

This also ensures the ability to take up challenges, a positive frame of mind, and a better understanding of the social-personal environment in children. Along with academic understanding, parents also help children develop values and behavioral attitudes.

Parents tend to hold higher aims for their children, which inclines children to bring out better holistic performance. Children supported at home with academics feel more confident and less burdened.

Read, Top 6 Parenting Mistakes that Push Teenagers to Rebellion, here.

Thoughtful parenting

Parent Involvement brings Positive Parent-Child Relationship –

Also, read 7 Parenting Mistakes You Must Avoid here.

Parent-child relations begin during childbirth and have many long-lasting effects on their lives. A healthy and responsive relationship helps nurture the physical, emotional, and social development of the child.

Parent involvement in the parent-child relationship strengthens the foundation of a child’s life. It also imprints on the child’s overall personality, behavior, and choices.

Children are our second chance to have a great parent-child relationship.”

Laura Schlessinger
  • Children who have a balanced relationship with their parents are more likely to develop positive relationships in the future, such as friendship and other relations.
  • A healthy parent-child relationship helps children explore out of their comfort zones. The confidence in trying new skills helps them master multiple skill sets.
  • Such children have better control over their emotions under pressure/stress and difficult situations.
  • Parent involvement in a child’s daily life ensures higher social and academic performance.

Tips on the Role of Parent Involvement in Child’s Life –

Parent involvement in the child’s life has many benefits, as we discussed above. However, it is often seen that parents go to extremes by either getting too strict or selfishly loving with their children. The balance is hard to obtain, as every situation brings out a fresh challenge for parents. But, in most of the cases, the child suffers long-lasting effects of forced involvement by their parents.

Love them unconditionally but, have boundaries. Children need to be told about the pattern, behavior, rules, and boundaries from the beginning. Guide them to follow some basic rules of moral, social, and behavioral lifestyle. Be friendly with them, but don’t cross the boundary of the parent-child relationship.

Bring in positive manifestation by repeatedly telling – You love them and we are family. Open studies on various forums have mentioned that showing love and affection for each other strengthens the parent-child relationship. So, next time when you pick up the phone or see your child, don’t forget to say the magical words.

This post is written for Blogchatter’s #CauseAChatter series. A year-long assignment, to identify and progress with your cause of writing. Blogging with a purpose, by BlogChatter, check here.

thoughtful parenting

Image Caption – Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels


©Dipika Singh. This article is the property of the site’s author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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