Father Child Relationship – Evolving Parenting Roles


Father Child Relationship and its ever changing dynamics!

Anxiously he looked at the card, unable to understand what I really mean. My poker face did not give any clue to reveal the surprise. Few troubled moments later he asked swiftly, is it a Yes or No? I burst out laughing, as never saw him so fluttered in life before. With a wink I replied in affirmation, he could not control the glee and we straight-away went to get our seal of confirmation from the obstetrician.

The connection was already made, she loved her father from the moment they learned about each other. I was just the port carrying and passing happy vibes to-and-fro. His touch and voice would make her catapult inside me, and I had to stay awake all night listening to ‘mantra’ to soothe her movements a little. He was with me throughout the birthing process, holding my hand tight. You think it was for me; oh no not at all, but for the tiny alien inside me.

He was the first one to hold her in arms, I still feel jealous by the thought but yes that’s the fact of life. Everyone says she looked like him, from day one till today the resemblance just got stronger and clearer. She is her father’s daughter inside-out, and a mother I get overwhelmed to see their connection par excellence. They say daughters are dearer to their dad’s, probably I was an exception, or ‘Fatherhood’ really progressed?

Transformation – Father Child Relationship

I am an 80s kid and have grown up in a joint family, back then all relations had their ‘definition’. My father is a man of few words with limited involvement in day-to-day parenting activities. But he would deeply access everything related to studies and school. Our relation expanded beyond the pre-determined definition during my graduation days. We (read me) started interacting more and beyond the educational periphery, however, there were many things I could not even dare to share with him.

Today I see fathers actively involved in parenting than in earlier times. There is a clear shift in relationship bonding between father and child today. From conception to birth, child care and everything under the sun both the parents are equally sharing duties. I believe this is good for child development, as they experience dual viewpoints and perspectives from both sexes.

father child relationship

Father’s involvement in Child Development

Connect to the family with unbiased gender roles. When a father is actively sharing parenting duties, children learn adaptability. With the ever-emerging work sphere, mothers can take up job-related assignments and children get adjusted to the changing scenarios.

Emotionally balanced growth, families where the father is actively involved in parenting duties are emotionally stronger. Children learn the art of balancing with larger perspectives for any given situation.

Father-daughter bonding – many would agree to this, that girls are more attached to their fathers. Girls build a stronger pattern-based connection, they often relate to their father’s behavioral characteristics.

The social development of a child strengthens when the father is actively involved with the children. Research says, children from families where the father’s involvement is higher, score high on academics and self-dependency. Glad that parenting is ever-evolving and thanks to all fathers who take this job seriously.

This post is written for #BlogchatterA2Z series by Blogchatter, and my theme for this challenge is Gleeful Parenting. Previously from the series –

D for Discipline

E for Education beyond Books


©Dipika Singh. This article is the property of the site’s author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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