Thoughtful Parenting: Parenting through Covid19


The whole world is struggling to adjust with the new normal, 45 days under lock-down, and still counting. Families across the globe are confined to four walls with minimal exposure to the outside world, except the dire essential visits. Corona-virus has suddenly put an abrupt halt to the routine day to day activities. Parenting through Covid19 is one of the toughest challenges for parents and well as children, however, with these tips you can manage fairly well.

5 Effective ways to Parenting through Covid19

thoughtful parenting through covid19

1. Be a good listener, talk, and appreciate –

Set an amiable tone at your home, it is necessary for everyone to feel at ease while sharing their feelings and emotions. Now, that the outside world is closed, remain at home and pay more attention to the child’s mental and emotional stability. As a parent, it becomes our top priority to ensure ease of dialogues and exchange of feelings between both parties.

Listening and having the right conversation is just the first step, appreciating their views is next. Bring thankfulness and gratitude in daily routine during stressful situations like Covid19. Echoing goodness of gratitude and positive affirmations bring hope in their psyche.

2. Involve with them, spend dedicated time together –

During the lock-down classes and schools have come to home through virtual classrooms, children are involved in mechanical learning and no exposure to one-on-one human touch. Keep aside few hours dedicated to parent-child activities, such as, DIY, activity games, board games, house-hold chores, baking/cooking etc.

Involve them in your work schedule or get involved in theirs, the idea is to have fun together. Don’t push too hard if they do not want to have a conversation at any given point of time.

Also, read 7 common parenting mistakes we should avoid in any cost.

3. Tweak your routine to involve everyone –

Change is the only constant, don’ shy away from changing the schedules or daily routines to involve everyone. Having discipline is good and advisable at all times, but during such a testing situation, tweak it a little.

Involve everyone in mapping the course of the day, it will help you in cutting down the burden and also involve others in engaging activities. Flexibility is the key to survive any challenging situation.

4. Keeping kids safe online during Covid19 –

Being connected to the outside world is dependent on technology during Covid19. Children are spending excessive time online using the internet for virtual classrooms and studies. Online education has many benefits, but certain risks and dangers attached too. The best parenting tips during lockdown is to keep all risks at bay is by having control over the content and transparent conversation with children.

Explain them the reasons and create a conducive environment for them to have a discussion with you when in doubt.

Maintain a device-free environment when not in use.

Teach them how to be safe online, provide an insight into the worldwide web network and its objectivity.

Having an open relationship with your children helps in difficult situations like cyber abuse. Tell them ways to keep them safe and the power of cyber laws to protect in crisis.

Also, read How parent involvement benefits child growth.

Be vigilant for any signs of distress or distraction.

5. Positive Parenting through Covid19 –

Hope and a positive state of mind are the biggest warriors when it comes to fighting a battle with an ever-growing pandemic. Bring new and positive changes around life involving kids, develop happy habits like gardening, book reading, baking, meditation, dancing, etc.

Stop. Relax. Think. Restart.

Keep informed with only authentic Corona virus updates at Easy parenting tips during lockdown.

This post is written for the #CauseAChatter series. A year-long assignment, to identify and progress with your cause of writing. Blogging with a purpose, by Blogchatter, check here.

thoughtful parenting

©Dipika Singh. This article is the property of the site’s author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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