Top 8 Books To Read By Children In Monsoon Season


Rain, just the word brings a lovely aroma of petrichor, sitting by the window and munching on hot pakoras with steamy chai. Everyone loves the rain, the pitter-patter of the tiny drops brings leash of fresh life. To add up the fun, and enjoy the rainy day by your balcony, start reading some interesting books.

Life is like a RAINBOW; you need a little bit of both – Sun and Rain.


Classic Children’s Books to read this Monsoon

1. The Blue Umbrella

The Blue Umbrella is written by legendry author Ruskin Bond in 1980, the focal characters of the book are a young village girl Binya and her love for the Blue Umbrella. This is a humorous book and like any other Ruskin Bond’s creation emphasizes relationships. The love between Binya and her Umbrella, how she traded her only valuable possession to acquire this Blue Umbrella. The story that will make you fall in love with the simplicity of life, a light fictional story weaved beautifully in typical Ruskin Bond’s style of writing.

Famed Indian film director Vishal Bharadwaj adapted this book into a Bollywood movie which later won National Award for Best Children’s Film in 2007.

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2. Worm Weather

Worm Weather by Jean Taft and Illustrated by Matt Hunt is a great imaginative book for young children. One of the best books for kids to read and begin their reading journey, picture books are loved by children of all ages, but this specifically caters to young readers. With imaginative thinking and weather, this book is best for budding readers. The narration is simple and the illustrations very catchy, it is a story of kids enjoying the splish-splash of a rainy day and a little creepy crawly worm.

Available on:

To know more such interesting books on the list, please read the main post written on SlurrpFarm Blogs. I have had the opportunity to taste the delicious Slurrp Farm healthy pancakes and easy breakfast recipes made with the goodness of traditional flavors and healthy mixtures and also write a guest post on their page.

Slurrp farm Healthy pancakes
Image Source – SlurrpFarm

Continue your reading of Top 8 Books To Read By Children In Monsoon Season here.

A little bit about Slurrp Farm –

The idea of Slurrp Farm was conceived when the two friends identified the gap of healthy eating options in the children’s food market in India. When they failed to find high-quality packaged food for their own children, Shauravi and Meghana decided to follow a business idea “close to our heart. Slurrp Farm was launched in October 2016, with a mission to provide healthy snacks and mealtime options for young children and their parents.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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