A Vision for Future – Embrace Change


‘Change is the Law of Nature’ – Embrace Children’s Vision for Future.

We often find ourselves at crossroads with children when it comes to change. But can we stop the change; no we cannot and should not. Because change is inevitable. We try to contain change as per our convenience, but when it goes beyond our control, we give it the name of ‘generation gap‘. Is it actually generation gap? Or our inability to accept the change? We should introspect on this.

A Vision for future – Family Values

As the time changes, generations pass new changes are bound to happen. Family patterns have changed and so has the equation of relationships. I have shared earlier in the series how parent-child relations have broken many barriers and got more comfortable with each other.

Family values are passed on to every new generation, we cultivate our history with pride and love. However, the clash of opinions occurs when we make it rigid for our children to adapt. To pass on the legacy of values, we must consider their vision for future. After all, they are our future.

Transforming Education – A Vision for Child Education

Education has changed dramatically over last few decades, and as an educator, as a mother, I am very happy with this change. In our childhood, books were the only source of learning (especially when you are from a small town). Today I see children are more empowered with ideas and creativity. Education has evolved into pragmatic approach towards life. Early childhood education is bringing positive change in the life of children today.

Are we ready to change with their futuristic vision? There are many times when daughter tells me, ‘this is not how the teacher has taught me’. It takes the patience of steel to accept what they expect from us. Growing together by adopting change is the best way possible. Help them focus and learn from the synergy of school and home. Today, the education has grown beyond the boundaries of the school. It’s holistic learning with social, moral, family all combined together. Accept their vision for education.

Children Vision for Futuristic goals

Let them dream; soar high with creativity and imagination. Creative minds are best and happiest minds, as per various child psychological research. Be flexible to accept the change from the regular, there is no harm to have a ‘different’ interest or hobby. I recall my childhood days when every parent and child only aspired to be either a Doctor or an Engineer or into the Civil servant jobs.

Child Development

Have you seen Indian Bollywood movie named – ‘Lakshya‘(aim). This particular movie struck a chord with me. Especially the scene where support characters make lead hero realizes; he is missing ‘Lakshya‘ in his life.

We as parents must inspire and motivate to have an aim in life, and support their vision without any prejudices or doubts. Child education is crucial, but so is child development.

This post is written for #BlogchatterA2Z series by Blogchatter, and my theme for this challenge is Gleeful Parenting.


T for Thankfulness.

U for United we stand.

@Dipika Singh Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger) with right and specific direction to the original content.
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