The Movie that Inspires – In Pursuit of Happyness!


Are you a movie monger? If yes, then I can vouch for this being one of your favorite movies. ‘In Pursuit of Happyness‘ this flick has it all – emotions, drama, love, relationships, and a lesson to learn.

This post is part of #FlickFling series that I am taking with my friend Ruchie, for My Friend Alexa. Her latest addition in the series is a biopic Love Sonia.

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In Pursuit of Happyness –

The story is about the beautiful relationship between a father and his son. The movie released in 2006, is an American drama based on the best-selling book named ‘In Pursuit of Happyness’ by Christopher P. Gardner. The movie revolves around Chris and his daily struggles to make it big by being honest and sticking to his goals.

Dealing with a bad marriage (read broken), a growing kid under your care, zero bank balance, left with just 22 $ in the wallet. What would you call this situation? Hopeless, Isn’t it! But Chris Gardner is a little different from a normal guy.

A salesman from San Fransisco Chris is everything but successful. He develops medical scanners and sells to practitioners for a living. His marriage is on the verge of breaking when destiny pulls another joke on him, and he lands up into an unpaid internship.

With stiff competition from other contenders, Chris wins the internship contract all thanks to his positive frame of mind and belief in himself. This movie has many shades, of love, and trust in the father-son relationship. The ugliness of a bitter marriage, dreams, and aspirations of providing the best to the child.

What I love about The Pursuit of Happyness?

pursuit of happiness

What’s with the spelling? Well as I read on the mighty Internet, the author of the book Mr. Gardner’s son daycare facility has the spelling of ‘happiness’ written as ‘happyness’. He chose to use the same for his best-selling book.

We all go through so much in one lifetime. I have never met a person who has not been through ups and downs (sans a few privileged ones). During such times, even the slightest ray of hope brings a huge difference in perspective. A person must not forget who he/ she is during the testing phase.

Also, read How to Improve your at-home movie experience, here.

This movie is a classic example of keeping it right and positive. Staying positive through the choppy times is the biggest virtue and the best advice one can give to anyone. Especially when the one who is looking up to you is your own child. We cannot teach them to run away from the situations or make compromises with honesty.

The road to success could be hard and toiling, but in the end, hard work and honesty always pay off beautifully.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

Image source – Google.

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