Top Inspiring Hollywood Movies


Top inspiring Hollywood movies that I would love to watch with my kid. Movies and entertainment bring the most needed respite from daily monotony. And if the same entertainment pumps up some inspiration in us, voila! Nothing better than that. This year for #MyFriendAlexa I picked up the theme as – Movies that Inspire.

I have already written about my three most favorite flicks, in the series –

  1. Bad Teacher
  2. The Aviator
  3. In Pursuit of Happyness

here is the next movie along with a few more from the list.

The Shawshank Redemption

I am a die-hard Morgan Freeman fan, his acting, and voice put me under some spell. How can someone be so perfect in their game? He is the right example of ‘perfection personified‘. Coming back to the movie, this is a classic movie from my childhood days (okay movie watching days). All it takes to live a life is – HOPE! This movie is all about hope. The lead actor – Andy Dufresne (played by Tom Robbins) is convicted for a false case of double murder. Sentenced for dual life terms, he was tortured and abused as a convict inside the prison. His relationship with co-prisoner Red, Morgan Freeman brings a ray of hope and aids his survival.

This movie is definitely not for faint hearted, it shows how the Penitentiary system actually treats the prisoners. The struggles to sustain and cling of every last hope of living look so real. No wonder this flick is most talked about amazing movies of the entertainment world. A must watch Flick.


Amelie is a French rom-com flick, with a variation of emotions and acts in one screenplay. To be honest I did not get the movie clearly in one watch but was deeply touched by the fabulous acting of this actress – Audrey Justine Tautou. The whole story revolves around Amelie, the actress in the titular role. Her parents fear of Amelie suffering from some heart disease and hence keep her almost homebound. She is a quirky girl, who has wild imagination power. The movie shows how her imagination takes control of the life and she starts on a mission. She starts believing, following her imagination and instincts to bring happiness in everyone’s life.

Marvelous acting by the Amelie, she looked breathtakingly beautiful and innocent in the movie. And I watched the original version of this flick in French with English subtitles. It’s cute to watch this beauty talking French and some amazing expressions.

The reason why this movie is on my list of top inspiring movies is for it’s – Trust in yourself motto. Amelie was alone, lonely, and reasonless. But her belief in self and the instincts made her break barriers and found love in whatever she commenced on. And yes, in the end, she found her love too, so its a happily ever after story!

The Terminal

Are you bewitched by Steven Spielberg creations and Tom Hanks theatrics? A list of top inspiring movies and does not a mention of these two names – not possible! An actor as refined as Hanks and director with the vision and skill like Spielberg is a deadly combo.

The Terminal is a story spun around a person traveling from a war-torn country to the United States of America. The law of land and rulebook do not allow a stateless person to enter the USA. Tom Hanks played a the role of Viktor Navorski. A traveler from the nation of Krakozhia, who is no longer permitted to enter New York nor can return back to his home.

How Tom Hanks make JFK International airport his home and manages his life, build relationships and finally achieves what he wanted to do all along. Another marvelous movie which engraves a lesson so deep in the heart.

If there is a will; there is definitely a Way!

So, with this last movie, my top inspiring movies list for the #MyFriendAlexa series comes to a halt for a while. Will keep writing about the best to catch in entertainment posts. Hope you like the movies that move me 😉


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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