Bad Teacher – Movie with a Right Message


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What do you call a teacher who looks sleazy, foul-mouthed, treat children like furniture? Stoned to her last senses, smokes dope and plans an embezzlement at school for her personal beautification. Bad Teacher! Isn’t it?

Ms. Elizabeth Halsey (Cameron Diaz) is a middle school teacher in Illinois. A lazy, incompetent school teacher who hates her job, her students, and her colleagues. She is back to teaching to make enough money for the breast enhancement surgery after her rich fiancé dumps her.

A foul-mouthed teacher who plays movies in the classroom to catch up on her sleep. Steals question papers from authorities for her class to win the sponsorship, so that she gets the prize money for surgery. The only goal of her life is to somehow get this surgery done (which costs a bomb) and marry a rich man (her colleague – Justin Timberlake). She pulls various tricks to reach that goal and doesn’t mind playing dirty back at those who try to cut her short.

The journey she embarked on taught life-changing lessons to many along with her. In the end, all fit well and she starts over again with a promising new career ahead of a guidance counselor.

Movies that Inspire – Bad Teacher

I am sure most of us have seen this flick and appreciated the way Cameron Diaz pulled the role of a badass teacher. Her role is that of a sly, lazy, sleazy person but somewhere deep inside she has a righteousness approach about herself.

A person who doesn’t shy away from situations, but gets around and wins (though her actions need not be right always). There were few scenes in the movie where she has taken the side of her students (in her own weird way) but didn’t let them lose hope.

bad teacher flick flings
Image credit – maxresdefault

Inspire not to hide or run away

The movie is entertaining, funny, weird (as we expect our teachers to be sober and leading a ‘sanyasi’s life’). However, so much relatable! Don’t we all have that wicked wide side too, we all possess right and wrong inside us? Which side overpowers who decides the grey matter sitting on the top.

The thing I love most about Bad Teacher is the belief of the protagonist in herself. She does all wrongs to make one right, which is perfectly fine! Who are we to judge he/she is good or bad. It is the society which marks such rules and judgments. She takes her challengers head-on, and why not! Just because she is a female and a teacher, so should not?

She doesn’t teach her kids to say ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’, but show them the real life which is not at all mushy or comfy. Tells them to go and fight your fears, right on its’ face. Her ways are vague but ideas are appreciable. I prefer movies which are crude but real, instead of larger than life flicks with angelic beauty and dreamy stories. So which is your favorite badass movie? The one which is rough, crude, tardy but delivers the bull’s eye message for all.

My dear friend Ruchie and I have joined hands to bring some interesting flicks from the entertainment world for you all. She has featured Super 30, an upcoming biopic on her blog.

This post is part of #FlickFling series for #MyFriendAlexa. ‘I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with Blogchatter’.

My Alexa rank as of 05/09/2018 is 395,141.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

Image source – Google.

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