All you need to know about Infant Cognitive development


Stop worrying about infant weight, let’s talk about Infant Cognitive Development –  Motherhood brings various challenges with it, some tricky and few outright trivial. Challenges from basic hunger need to the overall development of the child. The first six months of motherhood is exclusively dedicated to nutrition and breastfeeding. When the child outgrows of our arms/lap the real tussle begins thereafter.

I recall when my daughter was born, a healthy child with ideal birth weight and all the right birth parameters. It was a blissful moment for us because I had developed high blood pressure during the last trimester. The labor procedure was long and enduring. But in the end, all was fine, and she was with me in my arms looking all pink and cutesy.

She reached her developmental milestones quite early as per the ideal age standards. But as she started her journey towards growing up, so has my worry of keeping her healthy amplified.

My Child is not gaining weight, is this normal?

For the longest period of time, I considered health is equally proportionate to weight gain in growing children. On every immunization visit to the pediatrician, I would ask the same question – “She is not gaining weight doctor, is there a problem?” The doctor reflexively shoved my question away. I decided to take reins in my own hands and started pushing heavy breakfasts and frequent meals in her tiny tummy.

She developed the habit of purging after every breakfast and became less active as compared to earlier days. When I shared the same concern with the Doctor, we learned the real meaning of ‘being healthy’.

Health and development milestones in infants are the cumulative growth of physical, cognitive, and communication aspects. Which means as experts say – ‘A baby is healthy as far as they are having right physical and cognitive development.’ The then global crisis for me turned out as just a myth forced down generations – ‘A healthy baby is a chubby baby.’

So even if your child doesn’t have those cutesy chubby cheeks, and dimpled chin, he/she can still be perfectly healthy.

Infant Cognitive development – Why it is more important?

infant cognitive development

As parents, it is our prime responsibility to provide the right environment for a child’s overall growth and development. Physical growth is crucial in infants, but so is their cognitive development. A baby starts learning about their surroundings in 0 – 6 months of their birth. Smiling, touching, making sounds are the early signs of cognitive development.

Metal abilities and intelligence quotient mark cognition pattern in a baby. The process that involves the overall development of thinking, reasoning, mental, sensory, and intelligence is called cognitive development.

A baby’s brain starts the process of development from the pregnancy itself, with mother providing right brain nutrition to the baby in the womb. Post birth the child’s source of brain nutrition and growth highly depends on mother’s milk. During later stages of growth physical and cognition development rest on healthy nutrition and #FeedIQ.

When the mother provides healthy nutrition and right cognition stimulators for a child’s brain development it is  FeedIQ. The very reason health experts and doctors across the globe emphasize more on mother’s nutrition during pregnancy.

Healthy Development of the Baby starts from the womb!

During the developing stages of the child, it is crucial to understand the growth milestones and create the environment of overall development. Such as right nutrition rich in DHA and natural vitamin E, vitamins and minerals and brain stimulator exercises. Do you know health supplements like Abbott’s SimMom IQ+ prepares the mother’s body to provide complete nutrition to baby during pregnancy?

During our interactions with our daughter’s pediatrician, I learned that healthy weight gain is a developmental parameter. But timely cognitive growth is the most crucial element in baby brain development.

With all the research work and rich source of information available, I find it really funny that we still focus on the infant weight gain over cognitive development. For me, an active, alert, and smart child is all it takes for being – HEALTHY. What are your thoughts?


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.


The content is not for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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