4 Common Ways How Students Avoid Plagiarism Detection


How students avoid plagiarism detection – Modern Technology and the internet are changing the ways of learning. It is offering many shortcuts for students that are proving harmful in many ways. Today, students have the key to access any information on any subject! When students are assigned to a writing task, they prefer to cheat. The reasons for cheating are clear.

Students cheat because of poor planning, homework pressure, poor time-management, social pressure, and lack of knowledge. Reasons for cheating don’t matter, but how this act can ruin your academic honesty and grades matters.

The main concept of this post is to clear those minds who are walking on the wrong paths. Here we are going to learn how pupils cheat, and how to prevent it! So, whether you are a teacher or a student, it is suggested to read this post till the end so that you can realize the impacts of plagiarism!

First Get Clear On How Student ‘Creativity’ Can Go Wrong

Many times, learners put a lot of effort and creativity into cheating on a task. By detecting the students who feel they are smart, teachers can help them promote and regulate their ability in the right way. Continually, students who cannot struggle on an original document and put their ideas into terms turn to text transformation.

Note: Modern teachers should be careful with many sorts of cheating. They must be ready to expose various types of plagiarism in learner tasks.

They Use Digital Text Modification

When students want to cheat instantly, they most often use the digital text modification technique. This is a combined indication of how learners plagiarize someone else’s words with the aid of modern technology. The beginners who turn to the digital text modification techniques think that their teachers don’t understand all the tricks of modifying words. And accordingly, they will not be able to spot the plagiarists.

Fortunately, a smart plagiarism checker can identify multiple types of cheating within instants, even if they use digital text modification techniques. Well, here, the point to be noted is that text modifications involve many methods. So, let’s dig deeper into the details below!

4 Ways to Avoid Plagiarism Detection

avoid plagiarism detection

1. They Use Letter Substitution!

Letter substitution refers to the act of utilizing letter copies from other speeches/languages. For example, learners snatch someone else’s work. And before passing it off, they edit the text and transform every English letter with Cyrillic letters. Surprisingly, both seem the same. This is one of the most useful tricks that modern students are using to fool their educators. And the fact is this trick can easily avoid the detection of a plagiarism checker.

2. They Make Up Substitution

Many learners add irrelevant and non-existing references to their assignments instead of putting time and effort into searching for the basic one. For example, a learner writes an essay on Cinderella. He or she has to quote the real objection of work. Instead, they compose fake, state real, or irrelevant references or real references with false page numbers. Always remember! Any reference provided by the pupil could be concerned with the topic but not promote or state the student’s notions with the reference. This is another common trick that students use to avoid plagiarism detection.

3. They Insert White Text!

Many times, beginners use a trick that refers to inserting different white-colored text to fool plagiarism detection. Students add various types of characters and extra white color spaces that a human eye can’t spot. Even a simple copyright checker tool will also not be able to locate them.

4. They Modify Layout!

Last but not least, trick learners use is format modification. Those who are incorrectly getting extra creative. Mostly represents their work in the form of a picture. The teacher cannot detect its originality through top-notch plagiarism software. An educator will give a read to the assignment and grade it. However, they will be incapable of going for a plagiarism check with any program. This is why educational institutions strictly focus on what type of paper format students have used.

Use a Good Plagiarism Tool

You have to realize that plagiarism is the most horrible act for your academic achievement and reputation. Also, it is a matter of your personal and social status. Your efforts, work, time, and money would become worthless in just a minute if you caught up once. Even nobody is going to trust you again. So, it is extremely important to avoid plagiarism in every aspect. However, the fact is that plagiarism can be unintentional sometimes. So, always check plagiarism while finalizing your work. Besides, it is highly recommended that a teacher utilize those plagiarism checkers full-featured and are running with AI technology.

Note: The most popular and reliable tools are: PlagiarismChecker.co, SmallSEOTools, Duplichecker, Quetext, Grammarly, and Search Engine Reports.

End Words:

This is how a student can avoid plagiarism detection, and the teacher can prevent it by taking the right actions.


@Dipika Singh Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger) with right and specific direction to the original content.

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