5 Ways to Boost Kids’ Creativity with Yellow Class online classes


5 ways to Boost Kids’ Creativity – Yellow Class is India’s largest hobby class platform, which provides a vast array of classes like calligraphy, storytelling, GK, Logical reasoning which helps to boost kids’ creativity. It aims to bring childhood back to children with their community-based online hobby classes. The initiative was taken towards the overall creative and cultural well-being of children not only nurtures cultural growth but also helps with their overall personality development. You must download their app. Use my referral code: GLEEFUL500 on the subscription page to avail of Rs 3000 worth of membership for 2 months straight. Yellow Class also provides over 40+ free daily activities classes to choose from. Some of them are:

1. Learn how to Dance with the Best:

Turn on some music and watch your little one groove to the beats! Dancing is one of the most popular fun activities among kids. Yellow Class provides a variety of different dance classes, ranging from folk to western styles to Bollywood dance forms. These sessions are full of fun, music, and dance, which your little ones will fall in love with. Yellow Class mentors are trained professionals who teach each step very carefully, one at a time.

2. Plethora of Kids’ Indoor Activities:

What could be more joyous for parents than to be able to see their children enjoy their childhood to the fullest? It’s always fun to spend some time outdoors with kids, but we understand it’s not always possible for you to take them out every single day! That’s why Yellow class has curated the best-ever indoor activities for kids. These are delivered through daily live classes, podcast stories, and DIYs. You will get picture games, language activities, writing exercises, cognitive activities, GK quiz, brainiac, visual art, and many more indoor programs to select from. All these help in the overall development of your child. So, do check them out here.

3. Art and Craft for kids:

Any form of art or craft exercise can have a visible impact on a child’s mind. It uplifts their imagination and creativity. The visual art session of Yellow Class has numerous forms of painting, drawing, and craft classes for kids which will improve children’s focus, concentration, and perspective in general. To expand the boundaries of imagination, Yellow Class provides a variety of visual art classes to choose from. Not just that, they also provide DIYs that kids can follow up at their own pace.

4. The Art of Storytelling and Story Writing:

Who doesn’t love a good story with lots of fun characters and a moral in it? Storytelling can be a perfect way to inculcate good values and morals in kids. At a tender age, children love to listen to the stories that impact their imagination. And, while growing up they develop the idea of building up their own story plots, to satisfy their ever-growing imagination. Providing them with exactly what they require, Yellow Class Storytelling and Story writing programs not only focus on teaching morals but also on encouraging kids to expand their own vocabulary.

5. Let’s stretch a leg with Yoga:

In the process of growing up, kids often forget to relax. Yellow Class gives a 180-degree fun flip to Yoga to ensure that children partake in physical activities while also looking after their mental health in a joyful and engaging way.

Apart from all the program courses available for kids, Yellow Class also provides Parenting Programs for all the lovely parents out there, to make their journey memorable and full of fun. As an initiative, the Parenting program focuses on resolving the basic as well as the major dilemmas that often parents come across. Expert sessions are conducted regularly, to educate parents about the best ways of a child’s upbringing.

Yellow Class has introduced several other programs such as DIY (Do It Yourself) Activities, Podcasts, Free Community Classes (For Parents) to offer a wide range of options to choose from. Reaching out to online hobby classes can not only teach kids new skills, but also the value of time. It will help them to learn about time management, to follow a fixed schedule, and to come up with new ideas.

Engaging kids in the things that they love to do will reduce the chances of them suffering from mental health breakdowns. Children have an adept imagination and the ability to grasp knowledge at a greater pace. If guided with the right mind, they can do wonders. However, it is our call if we want to give them a learning experience of a kind with numerous categories to explore or let them struggle throughout this tough race of life. What are you waiting for? Check out Yellow Class here. Don’t forget to use my code GLEEFUL500 for freebies worth Rs. 3000.

5 ways to boost kids’ creativity with Yellow Class online classes, the article is written by Sohini Bhattacharya to be published on gleefulblogger.com


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