How Corona Changed us as a Society?


I remember watching a multi-starrer Hollywood movie – Contagion. The plot revolved around a deadly virus transmitted by respiratory droplets. The first death triggers a series of deaths and home-quarantine scenes of young kids and adults alike. Medical researchers & health officials could identify the virus in time and save the population from a major outbreak. Well, to be honest in 2011, this movie felt like an ‘act of fiction, but now we know it better. This all is so eerie to believe. A bio-weapon that can make or break the human species on its dispersal.

Just the other day, I was deep into my thoughts when my daughter broke the silence – “Are we going for the cycle ride, I am ready?” She was body covered and stacked with gloves, face mask, socks, jacket, and her own personal sipper. Who imagined just for an indoor bike ride we had to undergo an entire session of ‘getting ready‘.

Gradual Shift expedited with a super-sonic speed

We all were discussing work from home, climate change, carbon footprint, and redundancy of lower-value jobs for ages. But never imagined we will be thrown into the cycle of change such abruptly and unpredictably.

It has been more than 7 months since I have had an auto-ride, visited a nearby shopping mall, or got a haircut. Didn’t taste pani-puri or Mumbai’s famous sandwich from the street vendor, things that weren’t considered a ‘privilege’ before. Buying vegetables and groceries was a personal affair with vendors, that also moved to ‘amazon fresh’, and online delivery options.

Schools had two choices at the beginning of this academic year, prepare for a long battle with parents, or take school online. They smartly chose the latter, and as a parent, I was so glad about this. Growing kids are demanding, and managing them at home 24/7 isn’t a joke. Barely 4 hours of online school was such a happy breather in the beginning. But nothing lasts forever, nor was my happiness. Slowly, I too sulked into the vicious circle of school homework projects, etc.

It was like a life shifted from normal gear to a tech-based sci-fi movie, with the best satellite internet provider working behind the scenes all the time; keeping us all connected, whether to work, online school, or friends and family. 

Offices are running with a minimum workforce offline, and my husband is working from home. It was such a relief seeing him home throughout the day, but soon it turned out to be a challenge. Well, honestly, this situation has shut the debate on ‘work from home‘ v/s ‘working mothers’ forever. Voila!

Nature takes its course – for a better

There are numerous changes that happened over the last few months, and we are generally being sarcastic with the year 2020. The lockdown and isolation have put human touch and feel on the back burner. As a society, we felt violated by the foreign virus, which brazenly confiscated our freedom. However, nature has the perfect balance of right and left. There are a number of possible futures around us, look around you – work-life balance, learning beyond horizons, co-existing with nature, global markets, cloud kitchens, and much more.

The change is only constant, we have heard and read this many times before. With the current scenario, change is the only way forward. Coronavirus may act as a deterrent for many new dynamics. Digital is the new horizon for marketing, education, finance, economy.

Education guided with technology – EdTech (educational technology) is the future of all education scenarios. A joint community of experts, teachers, students, institutions, and parents for better learning and educational products.

Financial sector going beyond the traditional modus operandi and inducing technology, FinTech (financial technology). Your birthday crowdfunding on Facebook is a very simple example of FinTech. Imagine the power of this technology in the coming years.

Health Technology is already making great progress across the world under the scrutinizing eyes of the WHO. Sensors and wearable medical equipment are the most common health tech. devices we use in daily life.

The affordable and viable concept of cloud kitchens helps those who can’t prepare their own food. We have seen these services in office canteens and single messes, today it seems a better option for home delivery of delicious food.

There are various expandable options for a better and viable future after coronavirus tainted the traditional working of the world. However, a few areas can’t be ignored like, mental health, socializing, leisure without worry, etc.

The biggest concern today is mental health and human-to-human connection. We as a society have changed forever due to this novel virus attack, but being hopeful for a better future is the way forward.

We as a society have to accept this change and act according to the new normal. Education institutes, healthcare facilities, financial institutions, retailers, and the entire economy has to reinvent themselves for better and good.

What we see today, is a deliberate shift in changing gears of the ‘cycle of change’. Do you believe it? Share your feedback in the comments below.

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© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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