Things I have Learned in 2020 #SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge


We welcomed 2020 with much anticipation and hope, wishing the best to come in a brand new year. With forecasts and predictions of a great year ahead, January commenced with the marking of new calendars and charting prosperous plans for the future.

In March, as we celebrated my husband’s birthday with family and friends, we didn’t expect it to be our last dine-out together before the coronavirus catastrophe happened. The next day’s announcement from the city administration was, “Mumbai and rest of India are locked down for 30 days to minimize the spread of the virus“. In the last 12 years in Mumbai, I have not seen this city at a standstill, covid19 was a rude reality that we still deny to accept.

As a person, I strongly believe in being adaptive but these are unprecedented times which no one can prepare you for. In the past few months, I have learned a great deal about life and most important of all is – to be a realist!

lessons 2020 taught us
Image Source – IENE

So here are the Lessons 2020 taught us!

1. Value the Life flowing through your veins –

Year 2020 has taught us to be more empathetic to ourselves, especially our bodies. Life is beautiful, we are blessed to see it running and growing through us. It is essential to value what we have been given to enjoy and not waste it just by running behind invisible and unrealistic goals.

2. Time is precious, spend it wisely –

There is nothing more precious than time, spend it wisely and don’t run after those illusive goals or people. Have realistic goals and people who add value to your life.

3. Do what you feel is right!

I strongly believe in this life mantra, listen to all but do what you think or feel is right. No one but you know what’s right for you.

“Trust yourself, no matter what everyone else thinks.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

4. Ask for help –

Seeking help will not make you small or weak in any manner, ask for help – personal or professional. Do not shy away from sending an SOS when in need. Speak up and accept help from people.

5. Be Grateful in Life –

Make peace with your inner self and say thank you to life for all the things. Be grateful to the life today, your breathing self, things that didn’t work out or those which did work well.

There are many lessons the year 2020 has taught us, these are few I decided to share with you today. Looking forward to write more such posts in near future.

Also read, How Corona changed us as a Society? here.

what I learned in 2020

Welcome to SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge!

SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge is a blog writing challenge hosted by me and Ruchie Verma ( After 3 successful seasons of our blogging prompt challenge, we are back with a brand new season.

As the year 2020 finally decided to say goodbye, it is time for us to write a few words to bid farewell in our own style. The theme for December SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge – ‘Adieu 2020’.

Rules to Participate in SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge are as follows –

  1. Write a new post on the theme provided above. You are free to provide any creative edge to the content, but keep the main essence of the post as Travel/Journey.
  2. Guest posts/Sponsored posts/Refurbished posts will NOT be accepted under the competition.
  3. Publishing and reading dates will be provided to the participants. Please stick to the dates assigned and complete your task on time.
  4. Reading, Commenting, and Sharing fellow participant’s posts are Mandatory rules. Follow the reading list provided by the hosts and complete your task in the given time.
  5. The mandatory line to be added at the beginning or end of your post – ‘This blog post is part of SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge by Dipika and Ruchi.
  6. Publish your post on the given date and link the URL in the linky provided on the host’s blog post.
  7. Kindly add the MANDATORY hashtag while sharing posts on social media – #SpeakEasyWithRuchiNDips also tag the hosts on social shares.

© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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