Housekeeping Time – Clean up is Fun


Housekeeping – You need to keep it Clean

Around a year ago or so, when daughter was playing with her friend at home, I was traumatized seeing all the mess. Toys, games, books, crayons, play doh and piles of puzzle blocks all were scattered in the room. Unable to control the situation and mess, I left room without reacting or saying a word. After gulping few glasses of water and some deep breathing exercises, I returned and said – “clean the room once done”.

Daughter came running back to ask how are they supposed to clean room? ‘The way you messed it up, simple!’ I said with a smile. She was lost or probably thought her mom is gone crazy, they cleaned up nevertheless and I was happy as this is the beginning.

She narrated the incident animatedly to her Dad when he returned from office. He quizzically asked me, what’s the big deal with clean up? “Your mess, you clean it up” it’s the new rule of house, I replied with a wink. Daughter-dad both had reservations with my new dictate, but slowly better sense took its course and I am saved from picking after bits and pieces all the time. Its necessary to teach children cleanup, as this makes them self-dependent and organized.

I remember my granny often reminded me to cleanup my room, study, cupboards all by myself. Back then I thought she hates me as I am a girl ? but glad she taught me to organize. Today, when I tell daughter to pick used dishes and drop for washing, her granny’s nod approves – a job done well.

What is the need to Teach Children Cleanup? Learn here –

teach children cleanup

Being organized is a good habit, there is no harm in adopting one. Cluttered and messy area pulls negative energy, neat and tidy place looks and feel happy. Teach kids the habit of cleaning-up their own stuff and mess. This will also prepare them for future challenges.

Share home duties – mothers are no super-beings and they do get tired. Sharing clean-up duties help everyone to take part in home chores. This strengthens the relations between mother-child and make them value each other.

Make them responsible

last time when daughter had a play-day with friends the room looked less messy and more organized. She would pick one thing at a time, put it back and then take another. This is good, she is take charge of cleaning up and being responsible. Applying logic in practical situations.

They love helping you out – trust me, kids love helping elders. She likes to help me with petty things when I expect the least. Like keeping my daily diary neatly tucked near laptop. Checking washing cycle’s time (though it has a buzzer, but not harm in acting naïve), telling me what time it is or helping me bring plates and glasses for family meals.

Statutory Warning – Do not raise the bar of expectations, these helps are like ‘un-seasonal rainfall’.

Housekeeping activities also teach kids to stay clean and tidy personally. Kids are vulnerable to catch infections and deadly flu more frequently than adults, due to their immunity structure. Better personal hygiene habits and clean-tidy place reduce the chances of catching flu frequently.

All good habits start from home; there is no harm is asking for help from kids and guiding them to clean-up themselves.

This post is written for #BlogchatterA2Z series by Blogchatter, and my theme for this challenge is Gleeful Parenting. Previously from the series –

F for Father and Child Relationship.

G for Guilt free parenting.

@Dipika Singh Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger) with right and specific direction to the original content.
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