Minimal Stimulation IVF in Mumbai – All you need to know


Minimal stimulation IVF in comparison to standard IVF employs less medicine and less invasive means of administering it to the patient (fewer or no injections except after the cycle). Oral ovulation stimulants are used with other drugs to enhance follicle formation and support egg maturation in this approach. Essentially, this type of IVF boosts your body’s ability to create good eggs for fertilization.

Once the eggs are developed enough, your doctor will remove them in a procedure that may not even require any anesthesia. Using the same method as standard IVF, the laboratory fertilizes your eggs with your partner’s sperm. Your doctor puts the healthiest embryo(s) into your uterus after the embryos develop.

In this article, Dr. Mohit Saraogi who is one of the best IVF doctors in Mumbai will discuss everything you should know about minimum stimulation IVF. He will also discuss if this is the best option for you by comparing minimum stimulation IVF with traditional IVF treatment in Mumbai.

The Distinctions between Traditional and Minimal Stimulation IVF

There are a few key distinctions between minimal stimulation and typical IVF reproductive procedures, in addition to the use of more ovulation-stimulating medicine. When you have standard IVF, your body creates a lot of eggs (more than eight in most cases). When you choose IVF with low stimulation, your body produces fewer eggs (one to three). Minimal stimulation encourages your body to behave in a way that is comparable to what it does naturally during ovulation.

Does Age Make a Difference?

So, who is a better candidate for IVF with low stimulation? Patients who benefit the most from minimal stimulation IVF include women of all ages who have a very poor ovarian reserve and generate very few eggs, regardless of IVF procedure. This includes ladies who are nearing the end of their pregnancy (over 35-40).

Your egg reserve decreases as you age due to stress and other factors. There are just so many eggs left to mature, no matter how aggressively your ovaries are stimulated. That’s why infertility physicians recommend mild stimulation for women with limited egg reserves who don’t respond well to traditional IVF drugs.

Traditional IVF is often better suitable for women with diagnosed infertility who are younger and in otherwise good health. Traditional IVF produces a higher number of viable eggs, increasing the chances of success. However, if you don’t have any eggs in reserve and standard IVF only yields a few eggs for fertilization, minimal stimulation IVF will give you the same chances of success.

Also, read Pregnancy Checklist, here.

In recent years, reproductive medicine has perfected minimum stimulation IVF. As a result, for older women who want to use their own eggs, this is the best option. This method combines your body’s inherent capacities with the use of low-dose hormones to promote the maturation of the highest-quality eggs.

IVF Basics with Minimal Stimulation

minimal stimulation IVF

Your doctor’s approach to minimal stimulation IVF can vary depending on your infertility diagnosis, but there are some basic rules to follow. Your doctor will prescribe an estrogen preparation to help you manage your cycle (usually a brief course of birth control pills), and then you will start ovarian stimulation.

Your medical team will assess your hormone levels with ultrasound checks and maybe a limited number of blood tests. When ovulation is near, your egg retrieval will be scheduled.

What are the chances of getting pregnant during perimenopause, read here.

Should you think about Minimal Stimulation IVF to the Traditional IVF?

Before you make your decision, you and your doctor can talk about your chances of success with minimal stimulation IVF. This form of IVF works far better for women over the age of 40, especially if previous regular IVF methods have failed.

With fewer eggs, the chances of producing embryos for future use are much lower, and you may need more than one cycle to succeed. Due to the probability of fewer viable embryos, while using minimum stimulation IVF, the option for gender selection is reduced. This form of IVF, on the other hand, is safe, and effective, and has been demonstrated to work for many women. Furthermore, minimal stimulation IVF lowers the expense of drugs, which are frequently not covered by insurance.

Minimal IVF is another option for you to Consider

Minimal IVF is a new option for women of any reproductive age who want to start a family after being diagnosed with infertility. Contact Dr. Mohit Saraogi who is working with one of the best IVF centers in Mumbai today to learn more about your chances of success with minimum stimulation IVF or any of our other fertility treatments.


The content is not for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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