Letting Go – #BlogchatterA2Z


These two words teach us the hardest lesson of life – let it go! Let go of the things which hamper your personal growth, disturb the peace and make you unhappy. Letting go of anger, loss, desperation, betrayal, guilt or even love. But is it easy to practice, honestly not? As we have the tendency of holding on things and past close to heart until it starts bleeding.

Let go of past, anger, guilt and everything that holds you back

Let it GO and move on in Life –

Only if this was easy! While my rational brain is busy writing this post the other emotional side is marking a checklist on when did I practice let Go. It is one of the toughest things to do, let go of something which was once close to us or something that we desired. A past relation, a wrong decision, feelings or just memories.

Also, read – F for Friends are Forever.

However, holding on is not helpful either. It keeps pulling you back in the past, to the things you wish to forget or never happened. Everyone has a past, but we don’t live in it, we learn and move on. That’s what life is, moving on. Holding on to the past will never help anyone.

Attachment with the feelings or memories –

We often get attached to things and our feelings while growing up. When this attachment doesn’t meet the desired results unhappiness follows. I fell in love with Tobbie when Dad brought him home, a cute German Shepherd dog on my seventh birthday. My partner in crime and best buddy, I never required anything or anyone else when he was around. The only one who understood me clearly during the turbulent teen years, caressed my troubles with his furry warm hug.

We lost him due to an extremely aggressive infection in the chest, and my life shooked in dismissal. My day would start crying over his empty couch, missing his growls and quizzical stares. I had lost zeal of going back to normalcy. But as they say ‘Time is the biggest healer‘ slowly Tobbie’s memories also faded with life’s crazy targets.

Did I move on? Heck No. I cringed over any discussion on pets. When my friends talk about their furry friends, I simply turn away. As, if my heart had blocked the emotion forever holding on to the void left by Tobbie.

Practise Letting Go –

Letting go isn’t a tic-tac switch, it’s a continuous process of repeated reminders. We have to make conscious decisions to change the course of life. Introspect and re-evaluate way of living, as somethings and loses are too deep to be forgotten. Tobbie, never came back (obviously) but Brut came and took over his couch, and our hearts too. This lesson taught me life’s biggest lesson, the human mind has the capacity of overcoming anything, any feeling. I still desist of having pets at home but don’t mind loving any from the neighborhood.

Accept the reality and live in today. Holding on to the past and keep repeating the same emotions back and forth will get us nowhere. The power of accepting the truth holds the key to happy living. Stop dwelling into the things which do not hold any value in your life. Past performances teach us lessons for the future, introspect what’s required for our personal development and let go of other things.

If you can’t do anything about it Then Let It Go. Don’t be the prisoner of things that you can’t change.

Tony Gaskins.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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