Holidays – Reason to be Happy


Holidays make us happy, very very happy actually. Taking a break from the monotony now and then is a breather. It refreshes the mind and bring new perspective to living happy. Holidays definitely make me happy, be it near or far. I ask for holidays as, it’s just relaxing, I don’t have to break my head in planning menu of the day. No entering the kitchen, and no mommy-ing around. Total Chillax!

Holidays makes us Happy –

Holidays makes us happy

Yes, there is no doubt that the holidays are fun. Human mind acts like a sponge, soaking in all the happy memories (let’s not talk about sad ones) for a lifetime. We remember our trips solo or with family for almost eternity (if we live that long). The trips I undertook with parents back in childhood are still so fresh in memories. I remember the excitement of sitting in the toy-train for the very first time at Shimla ages ago. Manali’s famous valley trails and hairpin turns en route to Rohtang-pass.

Another memorable trip was of Dalhousie, where Dad scared the hell out me when he mentioned it is the city of boarding schools. He even went and gathered information about the admission, thank God later everything was forgotten. Though I went to the hostel later in life (post-graduation) but that was my own decision.

I was in sixth grade when we visited Maharashtra, Dad could not accompany us for some reasons. That was my introduction to women-only holidays. Later, in life, I and Mom went for many short trips in and around Agra.

We move on with life, but the happy memories of fun times stay forever. Revisiting these memories bring peace and calmness in life. Holiday’s with the family or solo, both are beautiful and make us wealthy with experiences.

Also, read Letting [G]O

Holidays create Happy Memories –

Life is all about love, compassion, relations, learning, and memories. Holidays give us the best memories as a keepsake. I have a few friends who are Travel Bloggers, and they have such vivid memories to share about the places they visited.

Jobs fill your pockets, but Holidays and Adventures fill your Soul.

Jamie Lyn Beatty

Enriching life with adventures, knowledge, experiences is quite uplifting. Brings positivity, freshness, and zeal to start over again with high spirits. Holidays are like strawberry tarts, that life throws at us. Grab and consume as soon as you get your hands on one.

P.S. – The idea of this post was given by my six year old daughter Kavya.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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