Improvise for Happiness


The human mind is a very complex processor, it never stops learning new things. Research has shown, the brain cells develop until teenage years. Another set of scientific research suggested the brain fully develops in 25 years or later. As far as I understand, it never stops learning. We keep on improvising on the knowledge in life, for better and happy living.

Change is the ONLY constant

Life never waits for you to realize the need to improvise, it keeps on chugging out. The change will happen, we like it or act ignorant. The sooner we change and improvise according to the ecosystem better it is for a successful and happy life. Human life evolved over the years, bridging the changes of law, nature, and knowledge. This is all about improving or mastering our game, don’t you agree?

But the million dollars question is Why do we need to Improvise? We improvise to be happy, successful, to be on top of the charts, and proud of our own personal achievements. Don’t you agree?

Also, read Holidays.

There is nothing a human mind cannot achieve. All we need is an urge to improve ourselves. It won’t be wrong in saying, that we have to improvise to deal with the challenges life throws at us.

Improvising a Better World, a great philosophy by Dan O’Connor at TEDxNapaValley.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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