Just the Way You Are


You might have noticed, my last post was written on Improvisation, which shares the idea of updating ourselves to be the best. This post’s title is – Just the way you are, so, why the contradiction? Let me explain it a little further.

Improvise, to be a better version of yourself. Scratch the surface to find the hidden jewel that you are. Improvise for your own personal growth, success, happiness, and of course, not being left behind.

‘Just the way you are’ is about retaining your own identity, to be happy in your own skin. Let me share a small story here, when I shifted to Mumbai back in 2008, the pace of this city took me by surprise. Everyone is running, literally running to pursue their own goals. Be it roads, stations, bus depots or any other public area, you will see places swarming of people in all the directions. It is overwhelming, as an outsider I could not understand this mad rush. Later, the city embraced me and gradually I learned the dynamics of the peak-hour rush. The Husband learned and got familiar with the city much easier than me (FYI., I am good with maps, just in case).

Soon, I joined an education institute as a subject matter expert interacting with millennials over their dreams, aspirations, and career. The beauty of teaching the younger generation is, that you impart and gain knowledge. During the course of these 4 years as a post-graduate instructor, I have learned a lot. When you enter an established system, expecting a change is like breaching the Citadel. Everyone doubts your intentions, motives, and in the process try to pull you down to knees.

I faced the same resilience in the course of bringing a few positive changes. Sometimes you win, at times you lose but the true spirit is in keep trying. Despite the challenge, I continued my efforts in creating a better and transparent system. Today’s tears waters tomorrow’s gardens, I truly believe in this saying. Post many roadblocks, and dead looks the hard work paid off well. Students, management, and fellow professionals started realizing the positivity these changes brought in the system. After continuously doubted for two years, I earned the reward of best ‘faculty’, love and admiration from students and certification for the institute.

just the way you are
P.C. Huff Post

The point is, when situations turn hostile do not change and give in easily. Be the way you are, and keep progressing towards your goals. Changing yourself for someone else, or due to unfavorable circumstances is not the solution. Change only if it’s required, not because it’s expected out of you.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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