Be Kind To Yourself


Kindness is a golden ticket for living happily with contentment. We have been taught to be kind and compassionate with others, and we pass on the same wisdom to our younger generations. But as charity begins at home, kindness also starts with ‘be kinder to yourself‘.

To be Kind with others, be kinder to yourself first –

This goes without saying that you are responsible for your own happiness. Kindness is an emotion, a feeling of affection, concern, generosity. We relate kindness as an offering to others, to be compassionate, gentle, tender-hearted with others. We acquire kindness by observing our parents, hence it is in our DNA. None of these childhood lessons mention being kind to yourself. Why so hard on yourself?

Be kind to yourself

At one hand we show the act of kindness for others, and on another, we burden ourselves with various targets to achieve in life. Academics, social environment, family, personal goals all mount to a huge mountain of personal goals. In the rush of achieving these goals, we forget about being kind to ourselves. Take it slow, breath, and do not give such a tough time to yourself.

We can NEVER obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

Dalai Lama

Kindness bring Happiness Home

When you show an act of kindness for others the feeling of contentment is called happiness. If you start this kindness with yourself, the happiness trail follows. You will feel happier and it spreads through you like energy. Being happy boosts self-belief, confidence, sense of deserving and overall the performance enhances.

I met my husband during post-graduation, in 2003. It was an instant connection which later developed into a committed relationship. We decided to marry after settling in our respective careers and when the parents were informed about our escapades, well it didn’t go well with them. After a few years of following, when they finally agreed and got us married I realized the stark difference in our backgrounds and cultural upbringing.

Accepting someone (and his family) with all heart brings some unforeseen challenges. We also faced such tricky situations in the beginning, and that was the most turbulent time of my life. I walked an extra mile (read milessss) to bring smile and happiness on every face, but in the process, I lost mine. When a new life sprung inside me, I decided to change the perspective. Before being generous, compassionate, warm with others, I should be kind to myself. Why make such targets in life which leave you stranded with self-doubt. Keep the standards of expectations reasonable and within the limits of happiness.

Be kind to yourself

You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head, be kind to yourself.


Be Happy. Be Positive, and show little kindness to yourself first.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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