Self Love ain’t a Crime


I was in the middle of my last semester of MBA when a hospitality giant came with pre-placement offers at the college. Few students were selected for an interview, and I was one of them. Things and tide were in my favor and I was recruited as a Banquet Sales Executive. Training was smooth, and soon I was on the solo run to fetch sale against the monthly targets. The charm, glamour, and magnanimity of hospitality was an everyday routine. All was well at work and with studies, but I was missing something. Friends in the college and colleagues at work never understood the dilemma I was going through. A few months later, everyone was surprised when I resigned from the job. Many questions were asked, few called it an absolute absurd act, a hasty decision, an immature action, overreaction, but I was happy.

I lost myself trying to please everyone else. Now I am losing everyone while I am finding myself.

The Buddha

So, what is Self-Love? You deserve all the love and happiness, as much as you shower it on others. There is no harm in thinking about yourself, loving others doesn’t mean sacrificing your own peace of mind or happiness. Many great scholars, learned people, even Buddha have written about self-happiness and love.

self-love quotes

Self Love is not a Crime –

When we talk about self-love it reflects the idea of being affectionate towards yourself. Now, that does not mean you can overlook the bad habits or wrong choices. Be good to yourself. Period.

Take an example of fitness enthusiasts, they are regular and particular with their fitness regime not to show the world but for themselves. Happiness comes when you do something good for yourself, it may start with a negligible change but you feel happy with every ounce of marking. Remember, self-love is the key to your happiness.

“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection.”

Gautam Buddha

The only problem arises with self-love is that sometimes others perceive it as selfishness. When you love yourself, you make a conscious decision of keeping self-happiness important. But selfish people, for them they themselves are the ONLY priority. So, remember you are just addressing your happiness, and loving yourself as you love and care about others.

Why self love is important for happiness.

Self-Love is not selfish, you cannot truly love another until you know how to Love yourself.



© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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