Need of Extracurricular Activities for Students in School


If you are a parent, you very well know what I am referring about! Extracurricular activities for school students, activities that kids undertake over and above school based teaching curricular.

Now a days, students are given an array of choices at school when it comes to extracurricular activities. Targeting the holistic growth of a child in terms of physical, mental, creative, and technical areas.

It was not long ago, that I had to make this tough choice. Out of plenty we had to choose any three for daughter’s extracurricular activities learning. The real deal comes when you and the child get loggerheads at a few choices. Like, I really wished she to continue her swimming lessons at school, however she preferred band classes along with her friend. We discussed, argued, quarreled, and ultimately her pick got the veto. So, yes there are various activities schools and beyond are offering these days to either unwind or upscale a talent in children.

extracurricular activities for my child

Why extracurricular activities are important?

There is no doubt that kids are stressed under the given class work and a vast syllabus. The co-curricular activities help them unwind and also bring much more on the table, like better concentration, higher fitness level, improved appetite and healthy social skills.

Also, children at the age of 5 to 8 have immense energy which can be positively utilized into something constructive, like competitive sports/hobby.

With the Prime Minster of our country spearheading KHELO India initiative, extracurricular activities are just the right step in competitive sports and a future in it.

Co-curricular activities also helps in building strong leadership qualities. With the activities that focus on interpersonal skills like social service, community welfare, volunteer work, CSR and many more.

Types of Extracurricular Activities provided in schools

  1. Art and Crafts – the area which sharpen the creative side of your child. Creative drawings, colors, painting, doodling, modern art, do-it-yourself (DIY) crafts, etc.
  2. Music, Dance & Drama – Music, dance, drama, and visual arts. It’s often said that being an artist is a natural trait, but the same art can be acquired by learning and practice. This field has many takers, and also provides ample opportunities for a promising future. Drama for life, theatrics, school band, dance committees are few of the famous examples under this head.
  3. Students Newspaper (in-house journalism) – Every school/college has their in-home weekly or monthly. Best way to work on your editorial skills if have a flare towards writing/reporting.
  4. Athletics or Sports Management – Physical fitness, strength, body and mind coordination skills. Every child should opt for at least one physical extracurricular activity in school or college. Gymnastics, Martial Arts, School Leagues are few of the examples in athletics. This is also a best platform to showcase the teamwork and leadership abilities.
  5. Students council – Leadership programs. Many schools and colleges offer student leadership programs. These programs aims at overall development of a child, in accordance to student’s mental and physical abilities. Student-exchange programs are quite famous under this co-curricular section.
  6. Cultural Committee – The basic backbone of every school’s extra- curricular activities belong to this group of activities. Students get to learn each and every aspect of managing and administering a school program.
extracurricular activities at school for students

How to find most suitable extracurricular activities for your child?

Making a choice of a pool of options is always tough call for students and parents alike. Then comes the everlasting tussle between parents and child’s clash of interests. The choice must come voluntarily from the kid and must not be pressurized from any party.

Most of these co-curricular activities are a party of school’s syllabus, however kids are often given opportunities to choose over and above those. That’s when the area of interest, abilities, and inclination comes forth.

Like in my daughter’s school, we are given choice to pick any three extracurricular activities from indoor, outdoor, and interpersonal group of activities. We can change accordingly every year or continue same activity throughout.

In the same manner, many schools especially those associated with CBSE board also give grade weight-age to extra-curricular activities. However, these activities should not be taken only as a scoreboard activity. Remember, its to make child feel less stressed and unwind from daily school churn.

Hope you like the post and agree that everything we do with kids in their student life is not for grades/numbers or report card. In my next post, we will talk about exam pressure and how to cope up with that.

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