5 Differences between Montessori and Traditional Education


Is Montessori school better than traditional schools? What is the difference between the Montessori and the traditional schooling system? We generally get confused about these two, so here are 5 major differences between Montessori and traditional education and the schools.

Quite recently I have heard the commotion about the Montessori method of learning among preschool mothers. While researching this style of education, I realized daughter has studied Montessori-based learning in play and preschool. To my surprise, I wasn’t even aware of the ‘name’, however, liked the pattern and overall curriculum.

What is Montessori method of education?

The method of teaching is quite different from traditional schooling, wherein the major importance is given to learning. India is still at the nascent stage when it comes to adopting a different style of learning for young to very young kids. Because, we still stuck with ‘my kid should/must/ought to know this and that by a particular age’.

montessori method of learning
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash, recreated by gleefulblogger

In Montessori method is learning, the children are given creative freedom and hands-on learning to bring out their natural instinctive nature. Dr. Maria Montessori discovered this dynamic style of learning, where kids develop skills based on self-experiencing, role-playing, and observing their immediate environment.

5 differences between Traditional and Montessori method

1. Learning –

In Montessori method of learning, the emphasis is given on individual learning pace and ability. Teachers give ample space and time to each child to learn the concepts by experiencing themselves without any interruptions. However, in traditional method of learning, a schedule is followed giving each activity an equal time and energy.

2. On the job learning –

Montessori learning is by experience only, hands-on method of education where children discover concepts by touch, feels, see, the activities. On the other hand, in normal education the teachers introduce the concept in show and tell methods.

3. Classrooms –

In traditional classrooms, the concepts are decided based on expectations of the curricular or teachers. A set syllabus is followed touching upon activities expected to be learnt in a stipulated time. However, in Montessori method of learning classrooms plays an important role. Conducive environment is created for each child to learn and experience activities based on their personal learning abilities.

4. Provider’s Role –

Teacher’s role plays the most important part in Montessori method of learning. Hence, well qualified and trained teachers are only hired for this role. Teachers give individual time and attention to each child, based on their state of understanding. In Montessori schools, concepts are not pushed down to the students. However, in traditional teaching teachers give same time and pace to each children despite of their learning abilities or pace.

5. Development –

In traditional classrooms, more emphasis is given on the intellect development based on pre-decided parameters. Montessori learning is different, and it emphasizes on holistic development of the child. Intellect, social, cognitive, and emotional development through experience based education.

What I really like about the Montessori style of education is, it’s not pushed down to children. Unlike most of our schools and boards with pre-decided syllabus, concepts, and tools of learning. I am not against traditional teaching, I have learned in one and now my daughter is. However, we must learn the concept of self-exploring and behavioral development from Montessori schools nearby us.

In my last post for #MyFriendAlexa, I have written on Early Childhood Care and Education. In the next post, we will move towards main-stream schooling and learn about the different education boards in our country.

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