Exams & Mother’s Stress is directly proportionate… when I flashback my memories I can still see the palpable stress on my mom’s face, but today I can just smile and tell her; “Hey! mom, see I have made it through”….
The time has shifted it’s course, today I am a Mother and braving the exams will be my junior. She’s on the first step of schooling (4.5 yrs) and exams are not that far.. probably in couple of years she will be writing her very first time-bound alphabetical races or some short sentences. Will I be ready for that challenge….???
I am a firm believer of logical & visual styles of learning among kids, when it comes to accepting new concepts; brain must reciprocate with correct reasoning towards the challenge. Hence, when I sit with my kid to teach her any new concept… I keep array of things to explain her the reason behind it. For example, last fortnight she completed the Dinosaurs, their types and Earth’s evolution in her class. When we did it at home I weaved a story around how Earth was formed and with the help of ‘play dough’, we made meteoroids and Earth’s sphere colliding, great craters, etc…. and call each other carnivorous/ herbivorous dino’s based on what we having on our plates.
The best part with this style of leaning is: you are just not teaching your child something new, but also telling them the whole concept behind it…
Human brain is funny, it works all the time throughout our life;
stops only when…. we fall in LOVE or Talk about EXAMS!!
I have seen my friends and family members getting paranoid during exams, but honestly I do not agree to that. More the pressure you build in child’s brain, more he/she will go away from it. I know this lady, who wakes her 6 yrs old kid (studying in first grade) at 4 in the morning just to revise what he learned last night!!
How can you reduce the stress level (your & kid’s) during Exams?
- Do not wait till the last minute, keep working on the concepts & syllabus all around the year. As a mother you know with experience, which concepts are more dear to gaining knowledge work extra on those.
- Gauge your child’s weak points and work on those areas first. Never point out weak areas as ‘problems‘, always remember there are million ways to put the message across. Never bring negativity forward, work in tandem with school teacher and ask her for ways to improvement. (they are experts & highly trained)
- Make a habit of doing home – extensions regularly, good habits are tough to implement but once inculcated in routine they stay for good.
- Do not sit to study in a single stretch of multiple hours, take regular breaks, munching breaks, dancing breaks, singing breaks, chatting breaks. A little breather is always welcome.
- Do not make study monotonous by repeating same example and concept time and again. We are in the process of making our child smart NOT robot.
- There is no set time for revisions, you can help kids revise the concept anytime of the day; I take along mine to kitchen while preparing food give her simple tasks of passing veggies or vessels and keep asking her questions to revise the concept.
- Every kid has their own abilities, hence PLEASE do not ever compare and give examples of other kids. Negativity creeps inside much faster in child’s innocent mind then one can imagine.
- Cognitional training is the best practice, make your child aware of surroundings and let them learn from experience.
This is my little list of Do’s & Don’ts to curb the exam pressure among Kids & Mommies. We all wish to see our child on top, but please also remember; Kids have JUST one childhood!! DO not snatch away tiny happiness from them under the peer pressure of performing better then ‘them’.
Thanks for reading…
Linking this with my all time favorite prompt #MondayMommyMoments by Amrita & Deepa.
Also, linking this post with MyCity4Kids Blog.
Enjoyed reading your post Dipika and very god points you mentioned here. Thanks for linking up with #MMM 🙂
Thanks a bunch Deepa, it’s always happiness reading appreciation from your side. Glad you liked it.
I ask her questions while playing too.Then we ask her to teach us .Thatw ay she recvises without it becoming Dull.Nobody likes boring.As parents we need to work hard to make this fun!Thnks Dipika for writing with us for #MindayMommyMoments
Yes Amrita, I agree with you. We have to double our efforts for happier and healthy learning in kids. Thanks for liking.
I know my Brian used to become blocked when it was the time to revise in the mornings just before the exam! Worse I used to lose sleep!
Good points:)
Your thoughts are lot like me. Never put the leg on accelerator just before exam, it just scares the kids. I loved the effort you took to explain dinosours to your kid using playdough.
Thanks a lot dear.. glad you liked it 🙂
I am a b.tech student.. and not going to be a mom in 8-9 umcoming years.. but reading these stuffs really help me develop the knowledge and skills to be a nice mum.. well written dear ?
haha.. thanks a lot.
Kids should never be pressurised during exams ..having support from parents gives them confidence
My son has just started pre school and i have started realizing i need to develop more patience and stamina to help him grow at every level. Very well written Dipika…
love your posts <3
My son is in preschool now and I can realize that I have to improve my stamina and patience level now… You have written so well..
Loved reading your useful post
I understood the fear I had when I had exams.. it really funny that I still carry that fear for my child while my child is cool about it