Easy way to cover the entire CBSE class 9 syllabus to be exam ready – Preparing children for their examinations seems to be the biggest worry in every parent’s life. Since we have just sailed through examination season, it is wise to be prepared from the beginning.
Your exams might be far off for now, but they are going to approach someday soon, and since your child is in ninth grade now, it is imperative to prepare for their exams very well. After all, only after clearing the CBSE class 9 syllabus, your kids will be able to turn up for the 10th grade in a better way.
However, we understand that your child is working hard to cover up their studies. So, let us provide a great and easy way to completely understand and learn the CBSE class 9 syllabus easily. It is through the Extramarks learning app.
Extramarks is a specially designed platform for students and teachers where they can come on a single source for education. It has several impressive features that not only help the teachers to impart education in a more systematic way, but even the students can study and learn their syllabus precisely.
Now, for the tips to cover your entire CBSE class 9 syllabus through Extramarks, keep reading.
Get all the syllabus under one source –
The Extramarks website provides the students with the entire syllabus and chapters divided perfectly and arrange systematically for their access. For a start, they just need to get the portion of all the subjects in front of them, and Extramarks provides them with that easily.
View and hear the pre-recorded lectures and classes –
Extramarks has all the lectures of the different chapters and subjects, explained well by experienced teachers and professors. These are pre-recorded, so the kids can hear them multiple times unless they understand the concept properly. This helps them get well versed with the subjects even before it is explained by their teachers in the school.
Get all the ready solutions for different chapters –
The students will require solutions to the questions and problems so that they can access them after they have solved the exercises on their own. They will get all ready CBSE class 9 syllabus and solutions on Extramarks which are solved and verified by expert professors and updated for them in the most accurate and easiest manner.
Solving doubts under the guidance of experts –
Extramarks also provide easy access to the teachers and professors of all subjects whenever they want. So, in case they have any doubts and require clarification on some matter, they can connect them with their issues, and they solve those immediately for the students.
Attempt various tests and exams online –
Extramarks provide the students with sample test papers which can be a great help for them to prepare for their exams better. Whenever they feel they have studied the entire portion or even a quarter of them, they can refer to the tests provided on the website and attempt them. Later they can tally the marks and try to conduct better the next time they take the tests from them. In this way, they’ll be completely ready for their exams with regular practice through Extramarks.
Covering the entire CBSE class 9 syllabus with Extramarks thus can be a great help to kids to prepare for their course and be ready for the next grade.
©Dipika Singh. This article is the property of the site’s author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links are used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.
It is so good to know about extramarks buddy they will be such a great help to the parents of 9th graders, will surely recommend it to my friends
My girl is in 9th grade and I’m surely going to guide her to check extramarks for the entire syllabus. Thanks a lot for sharing.
Wow extramarks sounds like a great option for students to prepare better for their exams. Will check out their website to explore more details.
Extramarks seems to be a really nice and useful platform for kids of CBSE-9. What I really like is the systematic and organized manner in which they cover the syllabus.
In these days when the pressure of studies is high, not only on the kids but also on the parents. Exxtramarks comes in like a saviour. I am sure it would be of great help to the students and also help in lessening the stress of the parents.
Wow!! Thank you for sharing this. My son is in 9th grade, and I will undoubtedly advise him to check extramarks for the entire syllabus.
Wow this seems like a very good platform for kids and parents to get an overview of everything that’s in the books. Wish it was there when i was young. But thanks for the information..will help many.
9th & 10th are the crucial years in schooling years and the levels of anxiety and stress are pretty high in these times. Extramarks App surely looks like a great way to check the entire syllabus. I am going to check the same for my child.
Extramarks sounds like the best option for CBSE students to be fully prepared for the Boards. I am glad that we get these sort of platforms these days to get the best out of students.
Extramarks sounds to be promising students to help achieve their dreams. Will definitely refer the app to my friends .
Wow I did not know about extramarks and this is so helpful for kids studying in 9th standard. I do not have kids around me but my relatives have kids studying in CBSE and in 9th, will send this to them.
Extramarks seems to be a really nice and useful platform for kids of CBSE-9. I will recommend this to my nephew
I wish this was there back in our school days :). I am saving this post and will share it with my nieces, I am sure they will find it really helpful.
Extramark seems to be an evolving platform that supports proper learning and good marks as well for students. We have a young child in 9th this year with whom I will share the platform details. I am sure this will help him a lot.
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