It’s a Blessing in Disguise – WOW



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‘What seems to us as Bitter trials are often Blessing in Disguise’ – Oscar Wilde

October 2nd, the day celebrated all across World as ‘International Day of Non-Violence‘. And in India as – ‘Gandhi Jayanti‘ birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Father of Nation, whose vision, hard work & passion shown our path to achieve freedom. As a Nation, we are progressing towards the mighty goal of new paradigms & success stories. Thankful to his teachings & blessing. This 2nd October 2017; brought confusion, doubts & complications for Mumbaikars (residents of Mumbai).

Deadline – A Curse or Blessing in Disguise

We were given a DEADLINE till 2nd October 2017, to segregate our household WASTE as wet & dry. T.V. advertorials, NGO initiatives, PMO’s announcements have been spreading awareness to learn segregation. Most of us read it in morning newspapers, saw it on televisions. Appreciate the thought & forget about it later. Same happened in this maximum city. We were told to start segregating or take care of your garbage YOURSELF. I call it Blessing at the right time 🙂

Hassled by confusion, rounds of meetings took place around localities to push the deadline. Or pursue administration to take back such citizen hostile circular. Like so many others even I was waiting for 2nd October with mixed emotions. Just 24 hours before the Deadline; we received our society’s circular stating –


Compulsion or a Blessing of better Future

The circular brought a smile to my face; why do we always need a whip to understand our social responsibility/duty? A growing economy brings many opportunities to our doorsteps. Not to forget what we are loosing as the human race. Greenery is scarce in a city like Mumbai and many more. Air Purifiers have become the need of an hour. Bronchitis, asthma, skin diseases, deadly viruses are introduced in routine life. Online, offline campaigns screaming about ‘Keep your CITY Clean’. Roads are still littered with plastic waste, beach fronts are eyesores. Drains clogged thanks to our – ‘throw it away‘ style of in house cleaning.

Thank goodness that many schools are imbibing conscience learning in kids today. Our little ones are more aware of their responsibilities than us. A blessing for bright & safer future.

Nature’s warning

Recurrent flash floods are red beacons to learn better ways of being responsible. Seasonal changes, untimely rains, unexpected weather conditions are few more too the worry. The scarcity of water is just the beginning of later wars. When nature is showing all the symptoms; it’s up to us which we consider first.

What seems like a bitter pill, will give us happiness in the future. A Compulsion today; will lead to better & cleaner living tomorrow. Starting with the basics of waste segregation, slowly recycle, refurbish, reuse help for sustainability. Nature gives us wholesome resources from its vastness. It’s up to us, to preserve and share same with our future generations.

I am a responsible citizen segregating daily waste in the WET/DRY category. Request all my fellow friends and readers to take a step ahead in the construction. Construction of better & sustainable future for our coming generations.

© Dipika Singh

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’

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