6 Innovative Ideas to Make Tasty & Healthy Meals For Kids


If there is one thing that all moms universally dread is their children complaining – “Ma, I don’t want to eat what you have put on my plate!”. Life as a mom is indeed beautiful – there are plenty of cuddles, sweet baby talks, free hugs, kisses, and more. Then, there’s the other side – feeding a picky eater, especially during early morning rush hours. As a mom, I keep hunting for easy ideas of making tasty and healthy meals for kids.

healthy meal for kids ideas for picky eaters

Nothing is as frustrating as watching your child throw yet another tantrum for eating, or opening the barely-touched lunch boxes when your child comes home from school. So, is there any way to handle picky eaters without losing your sanity? How to ensure that your child’s meal is tasty as well as nutrition-rich?

Guys, we’ve got some excellent tips for you right here. This is the REAL deal – ingenious tips on how to make your child’s meals tastier and healthier, from other mommies just like you and me. We hope you enjoy this as much as we did and pick a tip or two that works for your family.

1. Fun Shapes and Creative Presentation – Healthy Meals for Kids

Kids love colors. If you’ve got a picky eater who runs a mile on seeing veggies, curries, and gravies on their plate, then this one’s for you. Instead of serving veggies and fruits as regular salads or curries, present it in new ways – you can give them popsicle sticks made of fresh fruit juice, veggie kebabs (raw cubed vegetables on a stick and drizzled with seasoning), fruits and veggies cut in fun shapes (use cookie cutters) and so on.

2. Load your Pantry with Nutritious, Kid-Approved Brands

You’ve got to rush to work, the kid has to get ready for school/day-care, and who has the time to arrange food meticulously, especially during the morning rush? We get you. It’s not possible to create a beautiful masterpiece in the kitchen all the time.

This is where kid-approved brands like PediaSure, the No.1 Toddler Health Drink, can come to your rescue. Filled with essential nutrients and minerals, adding a couple of scoops of PediaSure to your child’s milk not only makes the drink tastier but also healthier and filling. Serve them chilled PediaSure milk as a milkshake. You can even mix it up by using different flavors like vanilla, chocolate or even Kesar badam.

It’s a win-win for all. No more food strikes, as PediaSure is kids-liked taste, and you can feel happy knowing that your child has got their fill of daily nutrients.

3. Healthy meals for Kids – Switch the Ingredients of their Favorite Dishes –

Let’s say that your child loves pasta. Then, instead of giving them pasta made with refined flour, you can opt for whole-wheat pasta. This way, you can add an extra dose of nutrients to your child’s favorite meals. Other ideas include making Rotis with beetroot flour, pancakes with millet flour, etc.

Look for different ways to recreate your child’s favorite dishes with healthier ingredients.

4. Get Your Child Involved in the Healthy Meal Planning and Cooking

When your children are involved in the kitchen like – stirring, picking ingredients, plucking greens – then they are more likely to eat the meals you have prepared. However, make sure that you don’t give knives or let children unsupervised in the kitchen. Keep an eye on them at all times. Remember, they are not cooking, but just getting involved.

5. Extraordinary Eggs are Best wholesome and healthy meals for Kids

easy ideas for make tasty and healthy meals for kids

Eggs are a great source of protein. Most kids don’t like eggs. Here’s a way to get your kids to finish off their eggs – place a few large cookie cutters on the frying pan. Crack open an egg into it, load it up with veggies and cheese. Cook for a few minutes, remove the cookie cutter, toss and cook on the other side. The most delicious healthy meal in itself for anyone.

6. Draw a Face on It

This works for pancakes, dosa, rotis, and even waffles. Make a round pancake, dosa, or roti. Decorate it like a face – with olives or cut grapes for the eyes, carrot sticks for the nose, a peeled banana for the mouth. Your kid will love the funny face, and you get to sneak in veggies and fruits as well.

Use one or all of these ideas, and make mealtimes fun and healthy. So what are some of the ways that you use to make foods fun and healthier? Tell us in the comments below!


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

DISCLAIMER –The content is not for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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