Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara


Because we get to live just once… enjoy it to the fullest. Today, is the last day in the Blogchatter’s A to Z challenge. 26 posts for 26 days in the month of April. This is my second time with #BlogchatterA2Z and despite of some teething troubles, here I am sharing the very last post from the series – My Happiness Mantra.

Throughout this series, I have tried to share the lessons that matter to me the most in life. Some were a tad too repetitive and I apologize for that. But as they say, the human mind works best in cognitive state. Unless we pump in the same thing multiple times, it doesn’t move a freckle. Dil ye ziddi hai…

Today’s post is the gross total of all the masala I have written in the last 25 posts for Happy Living.

  • Be happy because you are worth it.
  • Be realistic when it comes to making promises to self and others.
  • Consider yourself first, there is no harm in being selfish.
  • Plan – but do not over expect from the planning.
  • It’s Okay to say NO once in a while.
  • Fight the battles that are worth fighting for.
  • It is alright if you lost a battle, stand up and prepare yourself again or move on.
  • Let GO – forgive and forget.
  • It’s okay to be a HUMAN.
  • Be kind to self and others.
  • Develop a hobby to keep you occupied.
  • Be courageous – fight your own battles.
  • In the end… All is Well.

All’s Well that Ends Well

This isn’t about the end of life, but the lesson this series has taught me. I honestly feel when you believe in something, and keep it just to yourself it either get manipulated or lost in life’s chaos. But, when we share our beliefs with others, like friends or near-n-dear ones it becomes stronger and concrete.

Probably, because when we share our beliefs publicly we do it with full conviction, brain also gets the message to keep them safe and abide by them.

Life is same for everyone, almighty isn’t biased for his children. It’s we who make it beautiful or stark opposite of it. So, keep writing, sharing, and bumping socially until next time.

Also, read Believe in yourself.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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