Easy and Effortless ways to improve your mental wellbeing – We all want to help other people, helping others bring peace and a feeling of contentment. However, when it comes to mental health, is more complex than we imagine. Mental Health is a most frequently used term these days, in a way blurring the real definition of understanding what comprises “Mental Health”.
Before addressing ways to improve your mental wellbeing, let us first understand what this term means – “Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.” – mentalhealth.gov
Regarding mental health and well-being, what are the steps that need to be taken to ensure that we are doing the right thing to protect ourselves? Research in psychology has revealed various methods that will help you stay well-informed and get the most out of your daily life.
Ten Effortless Steps to Improve Your Mental Wellbeing –
1. Connect with others
Deep and meaningful connections can improve your mental well-being. Develop a robust social network by practicing your communication abilities. Listen to your fellow members and communicate your thoughts and feelings authentically. Your relationships should not be solely about sharing your struggles.
Have fun and celebrate everyday moments with your loved ones. Research suggests that this can boost your happiness by helping you savor the good things in life and help make positive emotions last longer.
2. Maintain your perspective
Refraining from difficult emotions, keeping your feelings private, and ruminating over issues decrease your well-being. People who can manage their feelings effectively have shown signs of better and improved mental health. Processing emotions requires being open to the experiences of others and accepting all of your feelings and thoughts, even the ones that are challenging.
It can help to find creative solutions, think with a sense of receptivity, and look at things from a different perspective when faced with everyday problems. Maintain your perspective and ask yourself whether I was underestimating the possibility of a bad outcome, or am I underestimating your capability to deal with it?
3. Develop optimistic habits to improve your mental wellbeing
A positive mind brings the idea of prosperity. It is the state of mind when you enjoy positive emotions, healthy relationships, motivation, meaning in your life, and a sense of fulfillment.
What are the best ways to help you grow? Research suggests being kind, compassionate, generous, forgiving, and empathetic towards others, fostering appreciation and gratitude. Take time to enjoy the things you want while recognizing your strengths, being imaginative, and having a positive outlook.
The feeling of being in flow is beneficial to improve your mental well-being. Some athletes refer to this as being at ease. Flow experiences are those that make you feel completely immersed and deeply content. Studies suggest that it increases not only the ability to perform the sport but also complete immersion decreases the stress hormones and releases “feel good hormones, such as dopamine.
4. Do your best to live up to your ideals
A life that is consistent with your beliefs leads to better health. Take note of your personal ideas about how you’d like to live your life, treat other people, and treat yourself. Find ways to ensure that your lifestyle is consistent with your values. This is more beneficial for your health than reacting to life events routinely, without consciousness or a sense of purpose.
5. Be gentle with yourself
It would be best to treat yourself with the same care, compassion, and encouragement you would show an amiable, struggling friend. Instead of blaming yourself, accept that life is filled with imperfections and mistakes. This is the essence of self-compassion that helps you to remain resilient against adversity.
Mindfulness, the ability to keep track of your life’s experiences without getting overly overwhelmed, is a crucial aspect of self-compassion. It lets you keep an open mind and helps to keep a balanced equilibrium between positive things in life and the things that can go wrong.
6. Find a way to improve your work-life balance
There are many roles we can play in our lives. You could be a parent or partner, an employee, a student, a church participant, a teammate caregiver, or a volunteer. Getting caught up in obligations is easy, and giving up essential aspects of your daily life is tempting. It can make you feel less content and anxious. Research suggests that working toward more balance can improve your well-being. You can also read about success stories and the net worth of people like Danny McCray net worth or Bryce Young net worth can motivate you to get good ideas for improved work and life balance.
Take a moment to think about how content you are in the various aspects of your life, including relationships, work, recreation, health, fitness, self-development, and spirituality. Are you giving the amount of time you’d prefer for each of them? Giving more time to one, and placing restrictions on others, could assist in creating the balance you want to achieve.
The ability to relax and take time to relax is a crucial element of a well-balanced life and reduces stress. Relaxing activities like reading or gardening or listening to music, walking, or singing should be essential parts of your daily routine.

7. Have fun, laugh loudly, and often
Laughter is great medicine. Humor that conveys positive emotions and messages (rather than one that makes you or others down) is beneficial for your mental well-being. It has been proven to release “feel good” hormones, boost optimism, boost your mood, and improve relationships by enhancing connection and intimacy.
8. Look after your physical well-being
A healthy lifestyle can improve your mental wellbeing. The research suggests that a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits along with regular moderate exercise or yoga can improve your overall health. Making sure some of your workouts are in outdoor green spaces can also benefit your mental well-being. Consume a balanced and nutritious diet, exercise regularly, get outside in the natural world, and avoid drinking excessively and using substances.
9. Make sure you get enough rest to improve your mental wellbeing
A good night’s sleep and getting enough are crucial for mental and physical well-being. Your definition of a great night’s sleep may differ from someone else’s. Some individuals require more than 8 hours of sleep to feel refreshed. Some people need require less.
The patterns of your sleep can change as you get older. Stress, anxiety, major life events, shifts to shifts or routines, and changes in our home routines can impact our sleep.
Before going to bed, electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or even the television, can disturb sleep and cause insomnia, just like caffeine-rich beverages or cigarettes, alcohol, and certain medications and substances. The environment in your bedroom can affect your sleep, as lighting, temperature, and even sound can disrupt sleep.
10. Get help when you need it
There are numerous effective treatments and therapies for those who suffer from mental health issues. Psychologists offer a variety of methods that can assist those struggling with issues they may confront – and they’re supported by research. Asking for help improves your chances of coping with a situation in a much better way.
Also, read the Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea, here.
©Dipika Singh. This article is the property of the site’s author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links are used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.
Wow!! I so agree with all pointers you have shared for mental well-being, and so believe that having faith in ourselves and having some fun with loved ones.
Each one of these pointers are so true. Our Mental health is in our hands. And we must look after it. We dont have to wait for something serious to happen and then start thinking about it. If we contribute everyday towards having a healthy life, then we automatically move towards a long lasting happiness.
What a co-incidence. I had written a post on same topic yesterday for blog chatter. I agree, we need to take good care of our mental health, just like our physical health. I am glad you have talked about work-life balance too, in this post. this is much needed aspect of life which most people ignore with hectic schedule.
Agree with you here. I feel being gentle with yourself is the key to good mental well-being. Nowadays we are so competitive and keep pushing ourselves beyond a limit. These are some good reminders
Such a detailed and well-written post this is, D. Sometimes we look for major changes but simple changes in everyday life like laughing and prioritising self can be a game changer for mental health.
I absolutely agree with this article and you justify this topic perfectly. I am happy to read all the pointers which you have shared with us that mental health is only in our hands. Also this is very important part of life which most people ignore now a days.
I was going through this phase for sometime. Keeping me busy helped me a lot. Having to divert from the thing that i was in depressed. But being busy helped me a lot
Agree with all the 10 points covered in this blog. Connecting with others & laughing staying happy is highly important one.
Taking care of your mental well-being is of utmost importance. Your tips are very handy, simple things to follow can really make a huge difference.
One point I liked a lot is that we need not be strict with ourselves. Setting high expectation from self and then draining ourselves for not maintaining it takes toll on mental health. Thanks for the post that reminds of the factors we need to focus on time again and again.
I feel mental and physical well being are highly connected. I just read another article about chronic pain which develops due to mental unrest. So taking proper rest to relax brain is very important and so is physical activity.
You have addressed every aspect of wellness. Being a holistic wellness coach, it gives me immense pleasure to see that wider perspectives are coming up while addressing mental health.
You have talked about the simple things that when applied in life would create a lot of difference. Especially widening the circle. It is important
Each one of these pointers are so true. You have talked about the simple things that when applied in life would create a lot of difference. Taking proper rest to relax brain is very important and also physical activity.
Mental health must be of priority for women. We need to deal with so many things in life. There is no point in expecting perfection in everything that you do and draining out all your energy in keeping everyone happy! Home, work, and motherhood take a toll on mental health though people lie to overlook it.
These are some great tips to keep your mental health in check. I feel everyone should religiously follow these 10 tips to keep their mental health sound. Thanks for sharing.
[…] don’t get the needed treatment, and more of them tend to get poor treatment, which influences poor mental health outcomes. From the start, people in need are unable to get accessibility to treatment for substance use […]