To Each. His Own


In pursuit of happiness, we reached the letter ‘E’ today. Our journey began with keeping all under control via happiness mantra of ‘all is well’, and believe in our abilities to develop a hobby. It reduces stress and keep us occupied. We chose to be courageous and pick happiness over falling down.

To Each, His Own –

Every person is different so are their life goals, but we still end up comparing our-self with others. Have you ever wondered why we do that? Is this expected out of human behavior? Well, theologically not, but theoretically Yes. Nature did not create us to be cloned, our ecosystem did. Our choices, decisions, reasons are mostly influenced by others. Why? Because we are conditioned to evaluate our worth from their (society) perspective. Even our social media profile gives an option – View as a visitor.

Our true happiness is in enjoying the smallest of joys and celebrating each moment.

Also read Develop a Hobby.

You are unique, stay as you are meant to be –

to each his own

Easier said than done, but comparing self with others simply means – we don’t understand our true worth. Comparison brings jealousy/envy one of the famous seven sins. Making healthy comparisons is progressive, but then who knows the right measurement? What’s the threshold?

We start making comparisons even before a child is born, from the time an egg springs to life, till the last breath. The path that leads to happiness needs no comparison, all it asks for is – be yourself. Enjoy the simple things in life, instead of making it complicated with unwanted comparisons.

Have faith in your own abilities and stay happy.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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