Develop a Hobby – #AtoZChallenge


We all have our interests and likings, say for example; I like reading and listening to music and my daughter loves to draw. This interest or if we can call it a hobby keeps us busy during the ideal time. The time that we in(tend) to waste doing nothing or worrying on not so worthy things.

Last time when I was speaking to one of my friend (who is recently blessed with a child) was worried about this BIG change in her life. She had various issues beginning from ‘what will I do sitting ideal at home‘, to ‘how do manage all this alone‘. Like I said unnecessary worry, I have gone through this phase hence can relate to it so well. So, I advised her to get a hobby for yourself. She replied – ‘Are you crazy? I am an adult, How to find a Hobby for an Adult?‘ Well, who said adults cannot find a hobby to keep themselves occupied and happy?

How to develop a Hobby?

As you already know, a hobby is something that gives you pleasure. A creative and fun side of the personality, we all have that innate. It’s the best stress-buster exercise which keeps your mind refreshed and you don’t have to pay a single penny for it. However, at times it just gets suppressed due to various reasons.

Hobby makes you happy and keep your mind away from stress. It's the best stressbuster exercise to do without paying a penny.

Developing a hobby or rather connecting back to the same old hobby is quite easy. All you have to do is, unwind yourself. Here are some easy steps to developing a hobby for yourself –

  • Reconnect to an old hobby – As a kid, we had hobbies, some extra special some typically weird. Like, I once had this huge collection of shopping bags. Yes, shopping bags (the bags we get from stores post-shopping) from different brands and logos. No wonder I picked marketing as specialization later in life 😉 So, I had numerous bags of brands and stores stacked neatly under my home or hostel mattress. Weekly task of listing the brands and cleaning them plain slate kept me busy for hours. I still love them but don’t hoard anymore.
  • If you didn’t have a hobby, there is nothing to worry about. Do something that you like, hunt for a hobby. My mother loves gardening, it keeps her busy for hours together. She knows about each and every plant, shrub, petal in her garden (even the scavenger weeds too). The idea is to give yourself something to do, which is not expected or asked from you to do. Do it for the love and sheer pleasure from it.
Also, read – It takes Courage to be.
  • Take baby steps towards developing a hobby – I was always inclined towards baking and loved watching all those baking cookery shows. Filled up with so much ado, asked dear husband to get me convection over. We selected a giant 30 lts microwave oven for my newly acquired mega haunch of baking. Just not the machine, we also got utensils, cutlery, accessories, trays and what not. Coming to the action, it was a disaster. Have you ever met a person who cannot bake a simple mug-cake? Meet yours truly 🙂 At times, giving up is the best possible solution. So, it was all waste of energy, money, and life-long taunts from the Mister.
  • Do what makes you happy. It could be anything that gives you a time-out from other responsibilities or simply make you happy. Remember you are doing this for yourself, and not to prove a point to anyone else.

In the end it’s all about being happy

Happiness depends on you, what you want from life. One can never find it outside until you start searching from within.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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