Have you ever wondered why the self-discovering journey is so much talked about on the internet? Asking self what one really wants from life is like embarking on an introspective journey.
When we talk about self-discovery or finding ourselves, it is just not about spending some time out from the chaos, but introspecting what we want to do with our precious life. We often discuss life goals, aspirations, ambitions in life, however, the way to achieve these goals could lead to total or partial chaos. To make life a happy experience and enjoy every bit of it, let’s talk about the ways to self-discovering and make the right choices in life for happiness.
Ask these Questions to Yourself –
- What do you want from Life?
There is no doubt we all bear a burden to fulfill others’ expectations in life. The decisions we make also come in the gambit of validation from others. But, what matters the most is ‘what I want from life?’ When you are honest with your inner-self, life will guide the way forward.
2. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
This is not rhetoric, having a vision guides you to meet your life goals. You may be living in a compromised situation today, but tomorrow would be a new day, new hopes. Make plans of your future, realistic goals that challenge you to act and grow from the current situation.
3. What is more important to you?
You might have heard people saying, set your priorities right! I often thought, when everything feels so crucial how can one decide what to prioritize and not? Well, with time and experience I realized not every battle is worth fighting. Choose what’s really important to you, ask yourself what matters the most.
Once you have a heart-to-heart discussion with yourself on these three brutal questions, take a step forward in finding yourself.
Break the old habits –
This may sound cliche, but there is no better start than shedding old habits. Especially those habits that make you unhappy, dull, and doomed. Break old ties that pull you towards negativity, and only bring pain in life. Quitting old habits or severing toxic ties is liberating. It brings a fresh lease of hope and ignites new energy in life. Try new things, develop a new hobby, visit new places, meet people. These will enhance your self-esteem and you start loving yourself more.
It is Okay to be ‘Not Liked’ at times –
We have to understand one thing, you don’t have to please everyone under the sun. Practically this is not possible nor one should try this at the cost of your own happiness. There will be voices from your inner circle to mull over your choices, ideas, and decisions. Positive criticism is highly misrepresented in close-circuit circles with intended insults. It is up to us, to accept only that matters and chuck the rest.
Never self-doubt yourself just to please someone else.
Do you follow Mindfulness? Start now!
Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress. (Mayoclinic)
Practicing mindfulness exercises can help you direct your attention away from the kind of unnecessary thinking and engage with the world around you.
I have been trying to follow mindfulness, this isn’t as easy as it sounds, but practice makes a person perfect! Hope you like these ideas to find yourself and enjoy the precious life we have been blessed with.
This blog train is hosted by Ruchie (Wigglingpen) and Rakhi (Lifethrumyeyes) and sponsored by Anveya Living.
©Dipika Singh. This article is the property of the site’s author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links are used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.
Absolutely Dipika, introspection is must as it gives you the right path to choose knowing what you want from life. Time to time we should evaluate out inner self to understand where our life is taking and how can we take ownership of what ever happens in our lives.
I so agree with it. And self discovery is the only way to have happiness from inside.
I have written a series on the same topic, ikigai self discovery. So I could connect with that you have written.
Such a meaningful advice you have shared with this post Dipika and it strongly resonates with my thoughts. I feel third point is most important, we need to prioritize the things that make us really happy and important in life. it is not possible to make everyone happy all the time. choosing your priority is must to avoid the state of burnt out.
A very positive post, D. We often regret not doing enough when our actions aren’t really aligned with our goals. Focus on yourself and let go of the fear of failure. And yes, introspection is a wonderful thing for all of this.
Very well said. Getting rid of old habits is toughest part I feel
Wow wonderful pointers Dipika! I can strongly resonate with the two of these pointers first you can’t make everyone happy so don’t be bother about it just prioritize your own things. And the second I think to rejuvenate your live one must has to get rid of old habits if it is not aiding any benefits in one’s life.
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