Oh! That’s Life


How would life look like if its all goody good, everything looks perfect, no flaws, no challenges, nothing. I will definitely go bored of it, trust me, we all would. We are wired to accept challenges, take on heat right off the burner. Human mind races to get things waiting to be solved. Life is like a bag full of puzzles, we solve one other prop up to test our knack and patience. All is well and fair until we keep on trying to live it to the fullest.

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

Aristotle Quote

Its okay if you fall –

Ups and downs are part of the learning process, failures should not be seen as the end of the road but as a lesson. Don’t you know how a baby starts walking? Starts with toddling, then holding things for support. Standing on the wobbly feet only to fall and try again. This process of trying is life, the feeling of jubilation over achieving the task or moving on. Failing has an important part in our growth chart, and one should never be afraid of falling down. Oh! that’s okay, falling down is required sometimes to rise above all.

Its okay not to feel happy –

We are allowed to feel unhappy or grumpy on the situations that do not go according to the plan A. There is always plan B, C, D and so on. Showing emotions do not make us weak, it only depicts the fact that we are made of flesh and blood. It’s alright to remember the past, but only to take learning from it and move on. Oh! that’s totally okay to feel human, it’s our humanity that makes the whole difference.

Also, read It’s OK to say NO sometimes.

Life is what you think it is, in your head.

That’s Life by Frank Sinatra explains it so well – (listen to it, you won’t be disappointed).

P.S. – The title of this post is suggested by my dear friend Mayuri. She is a treasure, a real inspiration. Read her O post here.


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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