Gender Equality – Why do we need to talk about it?


In the last post on Gender equality, we discussed the need for a gender-neutral society. Now, that we already know the basics of gender-neutrality, it is time to deep dive further into the topic.

The helpful step towards any cause are –

  • To identify there is a problem, and
  • To accept the problem.

There is no doubt in accepting that our society is a gender-obsessed society, we either emphasize on dominance or suppressed. The focal issue arises when we discriminate between the two. In a gender-neutral society, we establish an equal ratio between the two and work towards neutrality.

The current social and economic structure in our society considers women inferior to men, more often than not, women are considered less for top-paid jobs, leadership profiles, governance roles, etc.

As a result of these social inequalities, women face ill-treatment in society or from their own families. This could be by their spouses, or forceful marriages, or in some cases (due to poverty) totally denied an education.

The lack of education creates a ripple effect in both the social and economic aspects of these women’s lives. Tough various schemes have announced by the Union of India to uplift the role of women education in society, but real figures are far from expectations.

Gender Equality in India –

As per the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index 2019-20, India has slipped to the 112th position among the 153 economies that were sampled. The Index takes into account and measures gender gaps in health and survival, economic participation and opportunity, education, and political empowerment. (ref – here)

One often confuses gender-neutrality with women empowerment, another reason why very little is achieved towards a gender sensitized society in India. However, the stereotype and biases around gender roles have been deep-rooted within our cultural institutions. Women have been subjected to suppression for decades in the Asian sub-continent. Discrimination against women and girls by almost all sections of Indian society and at all levels has led to this huge disparity. When we talk about gender neutrality, it means uplifting the suppressed first and then bringing them all to the same platform. Hence, both these causes are intertwined.

gender equality

Gender sensitization means a dynamic process where all genders are taught to respect everyone irrespective of gender differences. But with the regressive mindset and social construct that men are superior to women is deep-rooted and resulted in society being biased against women and girls in general.

What can we do to fight gender-inequality?

Never underestimate the power of small things, sometimes little things make a huge difference.

We can start with –

  1. Using gender-neutral language
  2. Encourage parents in your eco-system to adapt the neutrality
  3. Counsel girls and women to overcome the social biases
  4. Create education gender-sensitive
  5. Education – Mandatory primary education for all
  6. Accept women in non-traditional roles
  7. Share the workload
  8. Enable equal-parenting
  9. Encourage women to take up responsibilities at the workplace and speak up
  10. Use social media to promote and share gender-equality. Spread the good word and speak-up.

We will discuss these points in detail in our next post, where I will talk about gender-neutral parenting and society. Concluding this post with some quotes said by famous personalities on this topic.

A gender-equal society would be the one where the word gender does not exist; where everyone can be themselves.

Gloria Steinem.

Gender parity is just not good for women; it’s good for SOCIETIES.

Angelica Fuentes – President Angelica Fuentes Foundation.

It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals.

Emma Watson
gender equality

‘This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter

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© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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