Equal Parenting – Much more than sharing responsibilities


Equal or shared parenting, the words which often describes the context. When parents equally distribute responsibilities and duties of parenting it becomes equally shared parenting. A relatively new concept in our society but definitely a game changer.

We always had this debate on all forums, platforms that if parenting is a full-time job for mothers? Today (in fact from a long time now) we see the paradigm shift in parenting duties. I know few who are doing this job of equal parenting wonderfully. However, this is one such area which still needs some exploration. When we talk about ‘equal parenting’ we usually consider nuclear families, what about the large family set-up? Are we taking this concept to smaller cities and societies too?

Equal Parenting – The Shift

This word – ‘equal’ has some magic in it. The minute I hear or write, a sense of sharing comes into the scenario. Parenting traditionally has been mother’s duty, from post-birth care till kid transforms into a parent him/ herself. With time these traditional parenting roles are also undergoing a transformation. If I take an example of my own household, Kavya’s daily chores and studies are as much his responsibilities as mine.

[ctt template=”3″ link=”bBVcb” via=”yes” ]Equal Parenting is not about taking credits and to claim ‘who is the boss’. It really means sharing equal responsibilities in making a better human being.[/ctt]

This Father’s Day when I recall my own childhood I witness a stark difference in now and then. I always considered myself open and up-close with my father. But, my definition of ‘being close’ might be in tight waters as per current standards. The Father and Child relations have grown manifolds over the years. Read more about Father-Child Relationship – in my Gleeful Parenting series.

equal parenting

Equal Parenting is much more than sharing duties –

I have read articles and participated in discussions on Equal Parenting in the past. One thing that I do not agree with is, restricting parenting roles. Parenting is just not about taking care of bringing up a child, it’s much wider than that. We create and provide a whole ecosystem to our children through parenting.

Equal parenting provides each parent an opportunity to think and grow out of ordinary in their parenting approach. We have heard about the role reversals, read about gender sensitization but implementing becomes a challenge at times. Through equal parenting, we can bring this change easily. Children learn on the job; or when we teach them by examples. I see a spark of containment when see daughter assisting her father in the kitchen or in any other household chore.

Time is shifting so are parenting roles and challenges. This Father’s Day I wish all wonderful Fathers out there who are on a mission to bring a difference in child’s development. Equal participation of father in daily parenting duties bring a positive and strong shift in child’s behavior.

Week 3 for Blogger’s League #OpenNTalk

Last week we received some amazing blog posts for #OpenNTalk entries and loved them all. The eight wonderful teams have accomplished the tasks for two weeks and from here we move to Week 3.

Also thanking my wonderful co-host Ruchie Verma Wigglingpen and the League’s sponsors Explore kids world, Vedantika, Summer Barn and Nyassa.

All the best for #OpenNTalk bloggers!! Link up for week 3 is OPEN.

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