3 Most Common Eye Problems in Children


The Most Common Eye Problems in Children – Eye Diseases in Children – Children are only next to the elderly when it comes to having a fragile body system. In fact, there is a sharp rise in the number of children with health problems. Among these, the most common ones are eye problems in children. While there are many such eye problems, a few among them are rather common. Here, we are going to list out all of these and explain in brief how you can have them treated by a reputed children’s eye care specialist.

children's eye care

Most Common Eye Problems in Children

Children have a natural predisposition to developing several eye problems because of genetic and environmental factors. However, unlike adults, they might be unaware of this problem or simply not be able to tell you about it.

Also, read about – How to select the best Eyeglasses.

So, it is up to you as their parents, guardians, or well-wishes to ensure that any eye problems you suspect they might have been diagnosed. This is the first step towards helping them get treatment, if necessary, and helping them lead a better life.

Now, let us tell you the most common child eye problem symptoms found these days.

1 Nearsightedness

eye problems in children

Myopia or near-sightedness is a very common eye problem in children. It is important to spot this condition quickly or the problem might grow bigger and demand more aggressive treatments in laser surgery. If your child sits too close to the TV or has trouble viewing things at a distance, you should have their eyes checked out.

For myopia, the best children’s eye care treatment is prescription glasses. This is the safest and most effective method opted for by many optometrists. However, you need to ensure that your child(ren) wears their glasses all throughout the day. Select a good lightweight frame to ease them into wearing them. Also, be sure to visit eye doctors routinely to keep track of eye power.

2. Long-Sightedness

most common eye care problems in children

Hyperopia or long-sightedness is another very common eye problem in children. It is characterized by children being unable to see things that are closer to them unclearly. This often results in them being unable to do simple things like reading, writing, or even using a computer properly. If you see your child struggling with a school textbook or squinting at a screen from afar, you should have their eyes tested for hyperopia.

The treatment for this condition is again prescription glasses. Another alternative is contact lenses or even laser surgery. For example, laser eye surgery in Melbourne prices offer you an idea of costs if you were considering a surgical route for your child, or be sure to check the prices in your area. A reputed and reliable optometrist will be able to guide you toward the best treatment for your children. Be sure to learn all the necessary steps from your eye doctor for treating hyperopia and all related children’s eye care.

3. Lazy Eye

Children eye care common eye problems in children

Amblyopia or lazy eye is one more common eye problem. But unlike the first two on our list, this one is easy to detect. If your child has a squint in one eye or their eyelid droops on one side, then they might have this condition. You should visit a children’s eye care specialist soon to get it diagnosed and seek the proper treatment.

One can get amblyopia for several reasons like weak eye muscles, focus problems in one eye, or even congenital cataracts. The treatment will be based on the diagnosed cause of the condition. However, regular check-ups are needed in all cases to ensure the corrective measures are doing their job.

One of the most widely used treatments is eye patch therapy for lazy eye, where the stronger eye is covered with a patch to encourage the weaker eye to work harder and develop better vision. This therapy is often combined with vision exercises or glasses to address underlying focus issues. Early intervention is key, as the condition can usually be corrected more effectively during childhood.


While these three vision problems in children are the most common. There are several others like conjunctivitis and pre-septal or orbital cellulitis that you should also get to know. Be sure to visit a reliable eye doctor routinely and immediately in case of emergencies to ensure long-term eye health for your children.


@Dipika Singh Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger) with the right and specific direction to the original content.


The content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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